Gone to See Europe. Semester at Sea Spring 2013 Enrichment Voyage on the MV Explorer. Ultimate Travel Photography Workshop IV with Michael Mariant. Day 16: Paris, France.
Capoeria Performance in Parc de Bercy. Late Spring Photowalk with the Photographer Thomas Paris in Paris.
Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.
A poppy about to pop and an orange poppy bloom. Back then, I had to go across the street to a neighbor’s yard with a high fence that keeps the deer out to take pictures of spring flowers. Now I have my own wildflower garden/meadow with an electric fence.
I noticed the first of the tulips flowers was beginning to open. I set up a camera to take an image every 1 minute during the day to make a time-lapse video. It looks like several more tulips will be opening over the next few days. Now to keep the deer away…
Daily Power Use (56.6 kWh) and Solar Production (47.8 kWh) from Sense.
Road Scholar “Photography in the Southwest” Workshop Day 2. Silver Efex Pro 2.
There is an underground Kiva at Kelly Place in Cortez, Colorado. On our second day of the Road Scholar/Elderhostel workshop the owner of Kelly Place allowed us to enter the Kiva for a photo session. He burned some sage to create smoke to create this image. The first image was converted to B&W using Silver Efex Pro 2. The second image is the original RAW image processed with Capture One Pro 6. Lighting for this image is sunlight coming in through the roof entry and a gold reflector.