Gone to See America 2012 Road Trip. Day 7: Santa Fe, New Mexico.
While doing a walkabout in an art district of Santa Fe, I came across Rocinante — Don Quixote’s horse.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
While doing a walkabout in an art district of Santa Fe, I came across Rocinante — Don Quixote’s horse.
Day two with the DR Field and Brush mower. Cleared the south-east wildflower meadow in the backyard. Ordered new V-belts for the roto-tiller. Need to repair fence poles the deer broke, and put down some cover crop seed. Some of these activities were recorded on a Garmin VIRB-360 camera for a Time-lapse video.
Daily Electric Energy Used (56.8 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (38.8 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. More sun than yesterday. Overall a net deficit of 18.0 kWh.
Current Weather Conditions
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AeroGarden Farm 01, Left Tray, Day 24. Red Heirloom Tomatoes and Golden Harvest Tomatoes (seed pods from AeroGarden). All plants sprouted, but growth is slow. Do they need a higher temperature? Indoor temperatures have ranged from mid 60’s to mid 70’s.
AeroGarden Farm 01, Right Tray, Day 24. A variety of lettuce plants showing robust growth. Red Romain, Deer Tongue, Paris Island, Black-seeded Simpson, and Red Sails (seed pods from AeroGarden). One Red Romain did not sprout. Already harvested leaves from the rapidly growing plants once, and need to again. The Dill, Chives, and Genovese Basil (seed pods from AeroGarden) all sprouted, but are small. They are being crowded out by the lettuce plants. I plan to move them to a different Farm tray.
AeroGarden Farm 02, Left Tray, Day 23. Mini-Jalapeno Peppers, Purple Super Hot Peppers, Red Fire Peppers (seed pods from AeroGarden). All plants sprouted, but growth is slow. Do they need a higher temperature? Indoor temperatures have ranged from mid 60’s to mid 70’s. Chives (seeds from Sustainable Seeds) did not sprout.
AeroGarden Farm 02, Right Tray, Day 23. Romaine Lettuce (seed pods from AeroGarden). All plants sprouted, and most are growing robustly. Time to harvest some leaves. The front three positions are Arugula (seeds from Botanical Interests). The plants all sprouted and are growing, but are being partially blocked by the Romaine. I plan to move them to a different Farm tray.
AeroGarden Farm 03, Left Tray, Day 23. Broccoli, Swiss Chard, Basil, Dill, and Parsley (seeds from Botanical Interests). All Broccoli plants sprouted, but growth for two are being crowded by the Swiss Chard plant. Only one of the Swiss Chard plants sprouted, and is growing robustly. I will move it to the front of the tray, and try to start two new plants. The Basil, Dill, and Parsley plants sprouted, but are growing slow. I plan to move them to a different tray. Positions L04-L06 will be plugged to allow space for the faster growing and larger plants.
AeroGarden Farm 03, Right Tray, Day 23. Cauliflower, Kale, Cilantro, Oregano, Rosemary, and Thyme (seeds from Botanical Interests). All Cauliflower plants sprouted, and are growing robustly. Two of the three Kale plants sprouted, and are growing. All Cilantro plants sprouted but are growing slowly. The I will move it to the front of the tray, and try to start two new plants. Oregano, Rosemary, and Thyme have sprouted but are tiny . I plan to move the three herbs to a different tray. I will move the Kale to positions R07-R08 and try to start another Kale plant for position R09. The Cilantro to the front three positions R10-R12. Positions R04-R06 will be plugged to allow more space for the Cauliflower and Kale.
AeroGarden Farm 05, Left Tray, Day 02. Chandler Strawberry Plants (from ISONS). The dirt was washed off the strawberry plugs and placed into AeroGarden pod holders.
AeroGarden Farm 05, Right Tray, Day 02. Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plants (from ISONS). The dirt was washed off the strawberry plugs and placed into AeroGarden pod holders.
AeroGarden Farm 07, Left Tray, Day 02. Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plants (from ISONS). The dirt was washed off the strawberry plugs and placed into AeroGarden pod holders.
AeroGarden Farm 07, Right Tray, Day 02. Chandler Strawberry Plants (from ISONS). The dirt was washed off the strawberry plugs and placed into AeroGarden pod holders.
AeroGarden Bounty 01, 18 Days. Cosmos Dwarf Sensation, Cosmos Early Dwarf, Zinnia Thumbelina, Zinnia Lilliput Mix, Marigold Sparky Mix, Blanket Flower, Sweet Alyssum, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, and Plains Coreopsis (All wildflower seeds from American Meadows). All plants sprouted. The two Cosmos, two Zinnia, Marigold, and Plains Coreopsis are growing well. The Blanket Flower, Sweet Alyssum, and Lance-leaf Coreopsis are still very small.
AeroGarden Bounty 02, 18 Days. Crimson Clover, California Poppy, Oriental Poppy, Red Poppy Mix, Red Poppy, Blue Cornflower, Purple Cornflower, Lemon Mint, Lupine (All wildflower seeds from American Meadows). The Blue Cornflower (Bachelor Button) is growing robustly. The Oriental Poppy and Purple Cornflower have not sprouted. The remaining planse sprouted, but are small and growing slowly.
AeroGarden Classic-6 01, 08 Days. Celosia, Phlox Mix, Orange Gazana, Yellow Coreopsis, and Dianthus (All seed pods from AeroGarden). The Phlox Mix and Dianthus have not sprouted yet. The others sprouted, but are still small.
AeroGarden Classic-6 02, 08 Days. Celosia, Purple Snapdragon, Lavender, and Dianthus (All seed pods from AeroGarden). All plants have sprouted, but are still small.
Hydroponic Tub 01 (Left) Day 19 and Tub 02 (Right) Day 02. Tub 01 has six strawberry plant runners from the outside Grow Towers. Tub 02 Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plugs (ISONS).
Hydroponic Tub 03 (Left) and Tub 04 (Right) Day 02. Both Tubs have Sweet Charlie Strawberry plants with washed roots (ISONS).
Hydroponic Tub 05 (Left) Day 19 and Tub 06 (Right) Day 02. Tub 05 has six strawberry plant runners from the outside Grow Towers. Tub 06 Chandler Strawberry Plugs (ISONS).
Hydroponic Tub 03 (Left) and Tub 04 (Right) Day 02. Both Tubs have Chandler Strawberry plants with washed roots (ISONS).
Daily Electric Energy Used (56.8 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (38.8 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. More sun than yesterday. Overall a net deficit of 18.0 kWh.
Current Weather Conditions
powered by Ambient Weather
The DR Field and Brush mower arrived yesterday. The truck driver left the pallet containing the mower at the top of the driveway. Some assembly required. The mower deck is pretty heavy. I moved everything in front of the house. Attached the deck to the power unit, fitted the drive belt, filled the engine with 5W-30 oil, and the filled the gas tank. Once I figured out where the gas shutoff valve was, the motor started right up. One of the reasons I chose this model is I can remove the mower deck and install a snow blower attachment. Once the unit was running, the first task was to burnish the brakes and clutch before taking it back to mow a section of the back yard. I also go the Roto-tiller to work on one of the wildflower meadows for next year. Didn’t get much done as the forward v-belt seems to be loose. Some of these activities were recorded on a Garmin VIRB-360 camera for a Time-lapse video.
Daily Electric Energy Used (53.3 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (25.8 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Less sun than yesterday. Overall a net deficit of 27.5 kWh.
Current Weather Conditions
powered by Ambient Weather