Gone to See Portugal. Street Photography Workshop with Steve Simon. Day 0: Lisbon, Portugal.
I arrived in Lisbon a day before the workshop. I walked around most of the day. Lots of tourists in town to watch the running of the marathon. Later in the evening I had dinner with Steve Simon.
Individual Images from the slideshows can be viewed here.
Afternoon Walkabout in Lisbon during the Marathon. Little-planet time-lapse video (Garmin VIRB-360).
Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Little planet and Tunnel View time-lapse video (Garmin VIRB-360)
Gone to See Portugal. Day 8: Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on TAP (Air Portugal) Lisbon to Newark.
I checked out of the Bessa Hotel and took a taxi to the airport. Check-in, Security, Customs & Immigration were quick. I didn’t need to remove my shoes, computers, or cameras — but did need to remove my belt with the heavy copper Philmont buckle. I spent some time at the lounge, but was warned when checking in to get to the gate early. At the gate we needed to go through a 2nd security check for carry-on luggage (only if your name was on a list for extra screening) which resulted in some confusion and long lines. They also checked the size and weight of carry-on luggage. If it was too large, it was gate checked. I was waved through. One group of tourists in front of me had small carry-0n luggage when they checked in but then loaded up with tax-free goods (many bottles of Portuguese Port and cigars) that put them way over the limits. They were not Americans, there is another country that has taken over the ugly & rude tourist award. For the international flights, we needed to take a bus out to the jet which also took more time. I ended up with a great seat with a window and extra space for my computer. The meals on TAP are excellent. I will definitely fly TAP again.
Individual images in the slideshow can be viewed here.
Gone to See Portugal. Street Photography Workshop with Steve Simon. Day 7: Lisbon, Portugal.
Following a final review of our “best images” the group walked to the Time Out Market for lunch. My foot didn’t hurt, and I found myself walking faster than everyone for the first time all week. One person made a comment that the hurting foot was all an act — it wasn’t. The Time Out Market was much busier than when I was there on Saturday, but the adjoining fish, meat, vegetable, and fruit markets were all closed. The restaurant area was so crowded we couldn’t find a place to sit down together. At that point the group said our final goodbye and split up. Many of the restaurants had available seating on the corridor surrounding the main area which was much less crowded. I sat down at CAFÉ DE SÃO BENTO and had a Portuguese steak with a fried egg on top. I then walked back to the Bessa Hotel stopping at several places to get high-resolution 360 degree images with the Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens.
Lisbon Photographer. Image taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens (ISO 100, 15 mm, f/8, 1/640 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Street Photographers or Paparazzi?
Steak & Egg Lunch at Time Out in Portugal. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/2.5, 1/40 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Afternoon Walkabout (Part 1). Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
Individual images from the slideshows can be viewed here.
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Afternoon Walkabout (Part 2). Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
Gone to See Portugal. Street Photography Workshop with Steve Simon. Day 6: Lisbon, Portugal.
We had free time in the morning to go out and shoot on our own. After a quick breakfast, I headed down to the river to catch the sun rising over the Tagus river. I made it just in time. Police blocked access to the; main square for more movie filming. This time for real, not practice and rehearsal. I managed to catch a bit of the motorcycle action from a block away before being chased off. The new Fuji X-T3 camera stayed focused on the motorcycles even though the security guy with the orange vest kept waking toward me. I spent the rest of the morning getting high-resolution images using the Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens for high-resolution 360 degree panorama, little-planet view, and tunnel view; images. I only had time (and the computing horsepower) to process a few of these while in Portugal. The locations included areas I passed on the long walk from the subway station on Wednesday. I also found a large indoor farmers market in the Time Out building. After lunch we reviewed yesterday’s images, then attended a dinner with Fado performance. I nearly fell down the narrow stairs at the restaurant but was saved when Sean grabbed my shoulder. There were several signs in the restaurant forbidding photos and videos. I didn’t record the dinner or Fado performance. Funny thing, at least six other folks at other tables did record the Fado performance with their smartphones.
Sunrise Panorama over the Tagus River in Lisbon. Composite of eight images taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/8, 1/60 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro and AutoPano Giga. (David J Mathre)
Movie Crew Filming Motorcycle Action. Image taken with a Fuji X-T3 camera and 80 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 160, 80 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Morning Walkabout. Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Morning Walkabout. Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
Gone to See Portugal. Street Photography Workshop with Steve Simon. Day 5: Lisbon, Portugal.
Miguel took us out for our morning walkabout so Steve could sleep in and allow the antibiotics to work their magic. I took my small Leica CL camera with the 23 mm f/2 lens and the Garmin VIRB-360 camera. We went through an area with many bars with lots of empty bottles and plastic cups from the night before. The only activities were a few locals on their way to work, and the some city workers picking up the bottles and cleaning the streets. I wandered off on a side street and came upon a film crew with motorcycles and police cars doing practice runs. I got a picture of the movie director viewing the activity. We then walked back to the hotel for lunch and our afternoon image review session. Just before getting to the hotel, a woman with a bright orange dress walked by a street beggar in blue.
Movie Motorcycle Practice Run. Morning Street Photography in Lisbon. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)Movie Director. Morning Street Photography in Lisbon. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Color Contrasts. Morning Street Photography in Lisbon. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Morning Walkabout. Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
For our afternoon session, we rode a couple of taxis to the LX Factory. I took the Nikon D850 camera with an 8-15 mm fisheye lens. The LX Factory is a tourist attraction with many arts and craft shops and restaurants. “Kiss the Cook” a Portuguese cooking class that I attended during the 2014 Semester at Sea voyage is located in the LX Factory.. A commercial photographer didn’t want we to take any images of his model. In addition to the street photography, I also took a series of images for a high-resolution composite 360 degree panorama and little planet view. I wish we stayed at the LX factory for dinner, and not return to the hotel. The 2nd taxi took a long time to return, so four of us went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner.
Commercial Photographer. Afternoon Street Photography in the LX Factory. Image taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)Model. Afternoon Street Photography in the LX Factory. Image taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of the Afternoon LX Factory Walkabout. Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.
LX Factory Back Street – 360 Degree Panorama. Composite of 25 images taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens (ISO 110, 15 mm, f/8, 1/320 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro and stitched together with AutoPano Giga. (DAVID J MATHRE)LX Factory Back Street – Little Planet View. Composite of 25 images taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens (ISO 110, 15 mm, f/8, 1/320 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro and stitched together with AutoPano Giga. (DAVID J MATHRE)LX Factory Back Street – Little Planet View. Composite of 25 images taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 8-15 mm fisheye lens (ISO 110, 15 mm, f/8, 1/320 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro and stitched together with AutoPano Giga. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Time-Lapse Video (360 degree Pano, Tunnel View and Little Planet View) of Dinner. Images recorded with a Garmin VIRB-360 camera.