Plum tree flowers, and Star of Bethlehem flowers, Seedlings for the Garden Towers (Pepper Plants, day 9 and Vegetables day 5); Garden Tower 3 with commercial vegetable seedlings, and the red brick sidewalk in progress.
Brick Sidewalk — Renovation in Progress. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm lens (David J Mathre)
A Blue Jay near the Copper Fountain, May Flies on a window, the Garden Tower with new (purchased) seedlings, and the fountain at night.
Garden Tower with Purchased Seedlings. Image taken with a Fuji X-H1 camera and 60 mm f/2.4 macro lens (DAVID J MATHRE)Copper Fountain at Night. Image taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 600 mm f/4 VR lens (David J Mathre)
First Sunday in the Park — Springtime Wildflowers.
This month the First Sunday in the Park event was a walk in Cherry Hill Preserve with Sarah Roberts looking for Spring Wildflowers and other new spring growth in the woods. The first wildflowers we saw were field of small white and pink Spring Beauties. We then passed some Sensitive Ferns. Sarah showed us the May Apple plants and told us to look for the flower buds. I actually found one where the flower had opened. We were told that the May Apples are spread by Box Turtles. I used to find Box Turtles in my back yard. We then found some Jack in the Pulpit plants and flowers. We also saw some Dogwood trees with flowers, and small Violets. Lots of other trees. Individual images from the slide shows can be viewed here.
Sarah Roberts Waiting to start the First Sunday in the Park Wildflower Walk in the Cherry Hill Preserve. . Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (David J Mathre)
End of Wildflower Walk. . Image taken with a Fuji X-H1 camera and 60 mm f/2.4 macro lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
An eerie view of moonlight through the fog and tree branches. Seedlings after 2 days — the lettuce has already started to sprout. Weekly bread making.
Moonlight Through Fog. Image taken with a Fuji X-T2 camera and 100-400 mm OIS telephoto zoom lens (David J Mathre)Seedling Tray Day. Composite of two image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (David J Mathre)
Hearty Whole Wheat, Rye, and Muesli Bread Recipe: Whole Wheat Flour (1 cup); Sprouted Wheat Flour (1 cup); Rye Flour (1/2 cup); Muesli (1 cup); caraway seed (1 tbs); fennel seed (1 tbs); anise seed (1 tbs), dill seed (1 tbs); dry milk (1/4 cup); salt (1 tsp); instant coffee (1 tbs); cocoa powder (1 tbs); egg (1 large); flax oil (2 tbs); water (1 1/4 cup); maple syrup (1/3 cup). Above ingredients minus the maple syrup added to Panasonic Bread Bakery. Yeast (2 tsp) added to yeast hopper and the unit set for Whole Wheat Bread (Rapid) and started. Once the unit started mixing the ingredients the molasses was slowly added. Three hours later, the loaf of bread was removed and allowed to cool.
I added an electric fence to the top of the garden tower. It didn’t initially bother the raccoon. I also placed a copper cover over the compost tube connected to the electric fence. Movie recorded with an Arlo Pro security camera. That got the raccoon’s attention. Need to do the same for the other two garden towers.