Two-Years Ago (28-July-2014) — Russia

Gone to See Europe 2014. Day 58: Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Semester Voyage. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

On our last day in Saint Petersburg, I attended a Master Cooking Class. I actually took more pictures than doing any cooking. The Russian food (Stuffed Cabbage and Borscht) we prepared was great, and I used the pictures to create this Time-Lapse Video.

Two-Years Ago (27-July-2014) — Russia

Gone to See Europe 2014. Day 57: Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Semester Voyage. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Lauren and Julie behind a glass of Vodka at a pop-up Russian dinner in Saint Petersburg.

Pop-up Dinner in Saint Petersburg. Image taken with a Leica X2 camera (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/2.8, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)
Pop-up Dinner in Saint Petersburg. Image taken with a Leica X2 camera (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/2.8, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)

Two Years Ago (25-July-2014) — Russia

Gone to See Europe 2014. Day 55: Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Semester Voyage. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Rostral column to commemorate Russian naval victories. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and Zeiss 12 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 12 mm, f/16, 1/180 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CC 2014.

Rostal Column in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and Zeiss 12 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 12 mm, f/16, 1/180 sec). (David J Mathre)
Rostal Column in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and Zeiss 12 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 12 mm, f/16, 1/180 sec). (David J Mathre)

Two-Years Ago (24-July-2014) — Baltic Sea

Gone to See Europe 2014. Day 54: Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Semester Voyage. Baltic Sea on the way to St. Petersburg, Russia.

Ship Passing Under Electric Noctilucent Clouds (NLC’s) on the Baltic Sea from the Deck of the MV Explorer. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/1.4, 1 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Nik Define, and Photoshop CC 2014.

For more information about NLC’s and their relationship to meteor dust check out  meteorsmoke

Ship Passing Under Electric Noctilucent Clouds on the Baltic Sea from the Deck of the MV/Explorer. Image taken 2 months ago today with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/1.4, 1 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Nik Define, and Photoshop CC 2014. (David J Mathre)
Ship Passing Under Electric Noctilucent Clouds on the Baltic Sea from the Deck of the MV Explorer. (David J Mathre)

Two-Years Ago (19-July-2014) — Norway

Gone to See Europe 2014. Day 49: Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Semester Voyage. Oslo, Norway.

Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway. Semester at Sea, Summer 2014 Voyage Day. Image taken with a Fuji XT1 camera and Zeiss 32 mm lens (ISO 200, 32 mm, f/1.8, 1/4000 sec)

Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway. Image taken with a Fuji XT1 camera and Zeiss 32 mm lens (ISO 200, 32 mm, f/1.8, 1/4000 sec) (David J Mathre)
Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway. Image taken with a Fuji XT1 camera and Zeiss 32 mm lens (ISO 200, 32 mm, f/1.8, 1/4000 sec) (David J Mathre)