Although the flowers are gone from the wildflower meadows, I do still have Marigold, Zinnia, Cosmos, and Coreopsis flowers appearing in the soft pots on the patio.
Autumn Flowers (Portrait Mode). Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Autumn Flowers (Landscape Mode). Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (50.8 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (27.8 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Cloudy all day. Geothermal HVAC system off. Lots of cooking, laundry, and dishwashing. A deficit of 23.0 kWh.
Weekly Electric Energy Used (275 kWh) from Sense. Weekly Solar Electric Energy Produced (266 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. A deficit of 9 kWh.
Walkabout with a new Sigma 100-400 mm f/5-6.3 telephoto zoom lens on a Leica CL camera. Hand-held, the combo is a bit awkward with the camera being smaller than the lens. On the smaller sensor (APS-C), the field of view is equivalent to 150-600 mm. The invasive “Mile-a-minute” vine is taking over. Flowers in the soft-pots on the patio. Zinnia, Cosmos, Coreopsis, Zinnia, Sunflower.
Invasive "Mile-a-minute" vine. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and Sigma 100-400 mm lens (DAVID J MATHRE)
Flowers. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Need to catch up on mowing the lawn. Finally a clear day when the grass was dry.
Daily Electric Energy Used (43.0 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (61.9 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. More sun. A surplus of 18.9 kWh.
Walkabout with a new Sigma 70 mm f/2.8 macro lens on the Leica SL2 camera. Flowers in the soft-pots on the patio. Zinnia, Cosmos, Coreopsis, Forget-me-not, Sunflower. Hand-held, but somewhat windy out. Narrow depth of field, so not all are completely in focus. Something I need to work on. This camera does have a higher resolution mode (but not a focus stacking mode). The higher resolution mode requires the camera be stabilized on a tripod. The same is true for the focus stacking mode on the Fuji X-H1 or Nikon D850.
Flowers. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Tropical Storm Isaias aftermath. Current status of the downed Oak trees after one month.
Tropical Storm Isaias Aftermath. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (56.5 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (57.4 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. More sun. A surplus of 0.9 kWh.
German Chocolate, Strawberries, and Hot Peppers. The Strawberries were grown in my indoor AeroGarden hydroponic farm. Also the flowers (Dianthus, Snapdragon, Coreopsis, Zinnia) are growing in the hydroponic farm. The Red Poppy flower didn’t quite open in time.
Valentine’s Day Special — Chocolate, Strawberries, and Hot Peppers. Image taken with a Leica TL2 camera and 35 mm f/2 lens (ISO 1250, 35 mm, f/16, 1/320 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Click on the above image to access my PhotoShelter Gallery with the individual images in the following slideshow.
Images from Valentine’s Day Past
Turkey Vulture. Image taken with a Nikon D5 Camera and 600 mm f/4 VR lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)Sunrise Breakfast Club. Photographer looking into the sun for birds. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/16, 1/125 sec) (David J Mathre)Sunrise Breakfast Club. Silhouette sunrise portrait. MV World Odyssey At Sea. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/10, 1/4000 sec) (David J Mathre)Reflections of the Sunrise Breakfast Club. MV World Odyssey At Sea. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/16, 1/15 sec) (David J Mathre)Sunrise Breakfast Club. Silhouette sunrise portrait. MV World Odyssey At Sea. Image taken with a Fuji X-T1 camera and 23 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 23 mm, f/10, 1/4000 sec) (David J Mathre)Lonely Trees on Balsfjorden Near Tromsø. Image taken with a Leica X2 camera (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/8, 1/100 sec). In camera B&W. (David J. Mathre)Northern Lights in Norway. Image taken with a Nikon D800 camera and 16 mm f/2.8 fisheye lens (ISO 3200, 16 mm, f/2.8, 2 sec).. (David J Mathre)
Daily Electric Energy Used (77.4 kWh) from Sense Home Energy Monitor and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (45.5 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Lots of sun, but much colder outside. A deficit of 31.9 kWh.
AeroGarden Farm 04-Left. Coreopsis Flower. Image taken with a Fuji X-T3 camera and 80 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 200, 80 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec) (DAVID J MATHRE)
Daily Electric Energy Used (80.2 kWh) from Sense Home Energy Monitor and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (38.6 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Sunny Day. A deficit of 41.6 kWh.