Ripe indoor hydroponic strawberry and broccoli head nearly ready to harvest. Indoor hydroponic Snapdragon, Marigold, California Poppy, and Zinnia flowers.
Indoor Hydroponic Strawberry. Image taken with a Fuji X-T3 camera and 80 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 800, 80 mm, f/11, 1/125 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)Indoor Hydroponic Broccoli. Image taken with a Fuji X-T3 camera and 80 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 800, 80 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Click on the above image to access my PhotoShelter gallery to access the individual images in the following slideshow.
Daily Electric Energy Used (73.2 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (20.4 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Overall a net deficit of 52.8 kWh.
Rain, then freezing rain (0.7 inches). No snow yet. I cleaned and filled the bird feeders yesterday. Even in the freezing rain some birds showed up. A pair of female House Finches with icicles on the bird feeder.
Icicles on the Bird Feeder with a pair of female House Finches. Image taken with a Nikon D5 camera and 600 mm f/4 VRII lens (ISO 1600, 600 mm, f/4, 1/100 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Daily Electric Energy Used (88.6 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (1.9 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Cloudy, rain, and freezing rain and cold. Overall a net deficit of 86.7 kWh.
Weekly Electric Energy Used (535 kWh) from Sense and Weekly Solar Electric Energy Produced (158 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Overall a net deficit of 377 kWh.
Indoor Hydroponic AeroGarden Farms 01-03 Week Nine (63 days) Update.
AeroGarden Farm 01, Left Tray, Day 63. Red Heirloom Tomatoes and Golden Harvest Tomatoes (seed pods from AeroGarden). Growth is still slow. One of the Golden Harvest tomato plants is about 3 inches tall, and has a few small yellow flowers. Reflectors didn’t seem to help much. At the last update (day 42), I cleaned the bath and replace the water (8.0 L rain water) charged with 16 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.24) and TDS (418 ppm). At day 54 pH (6.04), TDS (397 ppm). Added 8 mL Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (5.90) TDS (580 ppm). At day 63 pH (5.86), TDS (597 ppm). Didn’t add any additional plant food. I don’t know what to think. Are these just very tiny tomato varieties? I will try to pollinate the small yellow flowers.
AeroGarden Farm 01 Left Tray at 63 days. Position 1-6 Red Heirloom Tomatoes. Position 7-12 Golden Harvest Tomatoes. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 400, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 01, Right Tray, Day 63. A variety of lettuce plants (Red Romain, Deer Tongue, Paris Island, Black-seeded Simpson, and Red Sails (seed pods from AeroGarden)). At the last update (day 42) bath was too acidic pH (3.60) and TDS (804 ppm). I added 5 mL of buffer And 8 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. This brought the pH up to 5.99. At day 54 pH (3.79) TDS (695 ppm). Too acidic again. Added 4 mL buffer. New pH (6.10). At day 63 pH (4.47) TDS (509 ppm). Too acidic again. Added 2 mL buffer and 4 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.15) TDS (659 ppm). It looks like when the lettuce is in a robust growth mode, the solution becomes acidic. One of the lettuce varieties bolted, and has small yellow flowers.
AeroGarden Farm 01 Right Tray at 63 days. R03 Red Romaine; R02 Deer Tongue; R04, R06 Marvel of 4 Seasons; R05 Paris Island; R07, R09 Black-seeded Simpson; R08 Red Sails. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 320, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 02, Left Tray, Day 63. Mini-Jalapeno Peppers, Purple Super Hot Peppers, Red Fire Peppers (seed pods from AeroGarden) New Mexico Hatch pepper, Szechuan peppers. Growth is still slow, even after adding reflectors. One of the Purple super hot peppers has a tiny purple flower. At the last update (day 42) the bath was cleaned and and replace the water (8.0 L rain water) charged with 16 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.34) and TDS (400 ppm). At day 54 pH (6.16) TDS (405 ppm) so added 6 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.00) TDS (555 ppm). At day 63 pH (5.84) TDS (570 ppm), so no additions. I will try to pollinate the small purple flower.
AeroGarden Farm 02 Left Tray at 63 days. L01-L03 Mini Jalapeno Peppers; L04-L06 Purple Super Hot Pepper; L07, L09 Red Fire Pepper; L08 NM Hatch; L10-L12 Szechuan Chile pepper. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 200, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 02, Right Tray, Day 63. Romaine Lettuce (seed pods from AeroGarden). All plants are growing robustly but some developed brown tips. Several leaves harvested during the last two weeks. At the last update (day 42) the bath was too acidic pH (4.27) and TDS (459 ppm). Added 4 mL of buffer And 16 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.2) and TDS (760 ppm). At day 54 pH (4.20) TDS (222 ppm) so added 2 mL of Buffer and 20 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (5.80) TDS (720 ppm). At day 63 pH (3.77) TDS (369 ppm) so added 3 mL of Buffer and 7 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. New pH (6.00) TDS (525 ppm). With vigorously growing plants it looks like weekly, if not more frequent pH adjustments and plant food additions are required.
AeroGarden Farm 02 Right Tray at 63 days. R01-R09 Romain; Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 640, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 03, Left Tray, Day 63. Broccoli, and Swiss Chard (seeds from Botanical Interests). All Broccoli plants sprouted, but one is growing much faster than the others. The remaining Swiss Chard plant that was moved to position 10 is also growing robustly. The Kale in L07, L11 came from a different Farm tray and are fighting to find some light. At the last update the pH (6.45) was OK, but the TDS (215 ppm) was low. Added 15 mL of Root Farm Base (4-0-1) and 10 mL of Root Farm Veggie (1-5-7). The new pH (6.25) and TDS (788 ppm). Harvested some Broccoli leaves, and Swiss Chard leaves. At day 54 pH (7.19) TDS (810 ppm) so added 4 mL of acidic Buffer. The new pH (6.06) and TDS (810 ppm). At day 63 pH (7.37) TDS (362 ppm) so added 5 mL acidic buffer and 8 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. The new pH (6.60) and TDS (575 ppm). With these plants the solution becomes basic, so requires addition of an acidic buffer. Some of the leaves turned brown when the plant food concentration went too low, and need to be trimmed.
AeroGarden Farm 03 Left Tray at 63 days. L01-L03 Broccoli; L07, L11 Kale; L10 Swiss Chard. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 250, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 03, Right Tray, Day 63. Cauliflower and Arugula (seeds from Botanical Interests). Two Cauliflower plants are growing robustly (F03R01, F03R03). The Arugula plant in F03R09 came from a different Farm. The unused positions were all plugged. At the last update the pH (6.86) was a bit high and TDS (327 ppm) low. Added 15 mL of Root Farm Base (4-0-1) and 10 mL of Root Farm Veggie (1-5-7). The new pH (6.64) and TDS (824 ppm). At day 54 pH (7.26) TDS (950 ppm) so added 3 mL of acidic Buffer. The new pH (6.10) and TDS (950 ppm). At day 63 pH (7.56) TDS (460 ppm) so added 7.5 mL acidic buffer and 7.5 mL of the Miracle Grow/AeroGarden plant food. The new pH (6.00) and TDS (640 ppm). With these plants the solution becomes basic, so requires addition of an acidic buffer. Some of the leaves turned brown when the plant food concentration went too low, and need to be trimmed.
AeroGarden Farm 03 Right Tray at 63 days. R01-R03 Cauliflower; R10-R12 Kale; Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 640, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)AeroGarden Farm 03 Left and Right Tray at 49 days. L01-L03 Broccoli; L10 Swiss Chard; L11-12 Arugula; R01-R03 Cauliflower; R10-R12 Kale. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 400, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Daily Electric Energy Used (69.4 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (31.9 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. More sun and warmer. Overall a net deficit of 37.5 kWh.
AeroGarden Farm 07 Left Day 42. L01-L12 various Strawberry plants recovered from AeroGarden Farms 05 Left, 05 Right, 07 Left, and 07 Right at Day 28. The recovered plants had visible white roots, those with dead leaves and brown roots were considered dead. The hydroponic bath was cleaned and the solution replaced with 8 L of rainwater + 15 mL of Root Farm Base (4-0-1) and 15 mL of Root Farm Bloom (1-4-7). The new pH was 6.5 and TDS 750 ppm. At day 42 it appears that these plants have survived. The pH was 4.06 and TDS 564 ppm so added 2 mL of Buffer. The new pH was 6.24 and TDS 564 ppm.
AeroGarden Farm 07 Left Day 42. L01-L12 various Strawberry plants recovered from AeroGarden Farms 05 Left, 05 Right, 07 Left, and 07 Right. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 640, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
AeroGarden Farm 07 Right Day 42. R01-R12 various Strawberry plants recovered from AeroGarden Farms 05 Left, 05 Right, 07 Left, and 07 Right at Day 28. The recovered plants had visible white roots, those with dead leaves and brown roots were considered dead. The hydroponic bath was cleaned and the solution replaced with 8 L of rainwater + 15 mL of Root Farm Base (4-0-1) and 15 mL of Root Farm Bloom (1-4-7). The new pH was 6.27 and TDS 726 ppm. At day 42 it appears that these plants have survived. Also note a white strawberry flower!!! The pH was 4.45 and TDS 514 ppm so added 1 mL of Buffer. The new pH was 6.50 and TDS 504 ppm.
AeroGarden Farm 07 Right Day 42. R01-R12 various Strawberry plants recovered from AeroGarden Farms 05 Left, 05 Right, 07 Left, and 07 Right. Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 640, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Hydroponic Tub 01 (Left) Day 58 and Tub 02 (Right) Day 41. Tub 01 has six strawberry plant runners from the outside Grow Towers. Tub 02 Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plugs (ISONS). At the last update (day 28) Tub 01 (pH 6.20, TDS 1080 ppm); Tub 02 (pH 6.24, 1010 ppm). Today (day 58) Tub 01 (pH 4.61, 1076 ppm); (day 41) Tube 02 (pH 6.01, 677 ppm). The plants in Tub 02 are getting bigger. During the last two weeks added rain water a couple of times. Not sure if this is due to evaporation or respiration. Tub 01 added 1.0 mL buffer. Tub 02 left as is. Post addition Tub 01 (pH 6.01, TDS 1080 ppm); Tub 02 (pH 6.01, 677 ppm).
Hydroponic Tub 01 (Left) Tub 02 (Right). Day 41 L01-L06 Strawberry Runners from outside Grow Towers; R01-R06 Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plugs (ISONS). Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1/4 lens (ISO 250, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Hydroponic Tub 03 (Left) and Tub 04 (Right) Day 41. Both Tubs have Sweet Charlie Strawberry plants with washed roots (ISONS). At the last update (day 28) Tub 03 (pH 6.34, TDS 887 ppm); Tub 04 (pH 6.38, 951 ppm). Today (day 41) Tub 03 (pH 6.95, 672 ppm); Tub 04 (pH 7.46, 900 ppm). The plants in both tubs are getting bigger. During the last two weeks added rain water a couple of times. Not sure if this is due to evaporation or respiration. Tub 03 added 0.5 mL buffer. Tub 04 added 1.0 mL buffer. Post addition Tub 03 (pH 6.01, TDS 670 ppm); Tub 04 (pH 6.40, 905 ppm).
Hydroponic Tub 03 (Left) Tub 04 (Right) Day 41. L01-L06 Sweet Charlie Strawberry free roots (ISONS) ; R01-R06 Sweet Charlie Strawberry free roots (ISONS) . Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1/4 lens (ISO 640, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Hydroponic Tub 05 (Left) Day 58 and Tub 06 (Right) Day 41. Tub 05 has six strawberry plant runners from the outside Grow Towers. Tub 06 Chandler Strawberry Plugs (ISONS). At the last update (day 28) Tub 05 (pH 5.86, TDS 1220 ppm); Tub 06 (pH 6.18, 1041 ppm). Today (day 58) Tub 05 (pH 5.80, 1157 ppm); (day 41) Tub 02 (pH 6.18, 846 ppm). The plants in Tub 06 are getting bigger, and runners in Tub 06 have been clipped. During the last two weeks added rain water a couple of times. Not sure if this is due to evaporation or respiration. Tub 05 no additions. Tub 06 no additions.
Hydroponic Tub 05 (Left) Tub 06 (Right) Day 41. L01-L06 Strawberry Runners from outside Grow Towers; R01-R06 Chandler Strawberry Plugs (ISONS) . Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1/4 lens (ISO 250, 35 mm, f/8, 1/80 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Hydroponic Tub 07 (Left) Day 41 and Tub 08 (Right) Day 41. Both Tubs have Chandler Strawberry Plugs with washed roots (ISONS). At the last update (day 28) Tub 07 (pH 6.20, TDS 1194 ppm); Tub 08 (pH 5.40, 1220 ppm). Today (day 41) Tub 07 (pH 4.41, 1108 ppm); Tube 08 (pH 3.99, 1036 ppm). The plants in both tubs are getting bigger and runners were clipped. During the last two weeks added rain water a couple of times. Not sure if this is due to evaporation or respiration. Tub 07 added 2.0 mL buffer. Tub 08 added 2.0 mL buffer. Post addition Tub 07 (pH 6.30, TDS 1108 ppm); Tub 08 (pH 5.80, 1036 ppm).
Hydroponic Tub 07 (Left) Tub 08 (Right) Day 41. L01-L06 Chandler Strawberry free roots (ISONS) ; R01-R06 Chandler Strawberry free roots (ISONS) . Image taken with a Leica TL-2 camera and 35 mm f/1/4 lens (ISO 320, 35 mm, f/11, 1/50 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Daily Electric Energy Used (69.4 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (31.9 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. More sun and warmer. Overall a net deficit of 37.5 kWh.