Day 01 of 102. Semester at Sea, Spring 2016 Voyage. Ensenada, Mexico.
We rode a bus from San Diego, California to Ensenada, Mexico to board the M/V World Odyssey. Even though the ship had been docked in San Diego to disembark the Fall 2015 students, there is a federal law that prevents non-US registered ships from traveling between US ports. It was a grey and rainy day. We all had to get off the bus to go through immigration in Mexico. After arriving at the cruise terminal in Ensenada, went through the check-in where they made sure we had our passport and yellow-fever vaccination card. The luggage was all inspected for contraband, and finally we were allowed to board the ship. Once on the ship we got our room key, and then had several hours to investigate the public areas that would become home for the next 102 days. After everyone was onboard, we went through the first of several mandatory lifeboat/evacuation drills. Once that was completed, we departed for Hilo, Hawaii.

Signed prints and digital downloads of images in the slideshow are available for purchase at my image gallery David Mathre Photography
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