Monday (05-August-2019) — New Jersey

Backyard Summertime Nature in New Jersey.

Two fawns with spots and a doe were out early to eat some grass before I mowed the lawn. It was still pretty dark out, and these images were taken with a Fuji X-T3 camera and 200 mm f/2 OIS lens at f/2 and 3200 ISO. I didn’t process the images to remove any noise. I did mow the lawn (time-lapse video). After mowing the yard I went out with the Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens and captured images of butterflies (Tiger Swallowtail, Spicebush Swallowtail, Silver-spotted Skipper, Common Buckeye, Painted Lady, and Zebulon (?) Skipper); Goldfinch eating both Cosmos and Sunflowers; Some very large Bumble Bees on the Sunflower; Kermit and his brothers Kermit the Bullfrogs (including the one-eyed Kermit); and the Deer protesting after I mowed the lawn.

Deer: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Fawn with Spots "Why are you Mowing the Grass???" . Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (DAVID J MATHRE)
Fawn with Spots “Why are you Mowing the Grass???” . Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (DAVID J MATHRE)

Butterflies: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Goldfinch: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Bumblebees: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Kermit and his brothers Kermit the Bullfrogs: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Deer: Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Daily Electric Energy Used (57.1 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (64.1 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Daily net Surplus 7 kWh. For the week used 399 kWh and produced 441 kWh. Weekly net surplus 42 kWh.

Current Weather Conditions

powered by Ambient Weather

Three-Years Ago (05-August-2016) — New Jersey

Backyard Summertime Nature in New Jersey.

There was a herd of over two dozen deer in my backyard that evening. Then this doe decided to reject a young buck with its new antlers. Image taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 200 mm f/2 lens (ISO 800, 200 mm, f/2, 1/160 sec).

Lets Dance. Image taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 200 mm f/2 lens (ISO 800, 200 mm, f/2, 1/160 sec). (David J Mathre)
Doe Rejecting a Young Buck. Image taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 200 mm f/2 lens (ISO 800, 200 mm, f/2, 1/160 sec). (David J Mathre)

Six-Years Ago (05-August-2013) — Iceland

Gone to See Iceland 2013 Photography Safari with Mike Hagen. Day 7: Cape Ingolfshofdi (Ingólfshöfði) Along the South East Coast.

Puffin Sunning Itself After A Successful Fishing Trip – The Young Ones Will Soon Get Breakfast. Cape Ingolfshofdi (Ingólfshöfði) a private nature preserve on an isolated headland on the coast half way between Skaftafell in Vatnajokull National Park and Jökulsárlón ice lagoon. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V2 camera FT-1 Adapter and 80-400 mm VR II lens (ISO 160, 400 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec).

Puffin Sunning Itself After A Successful Fishing Trip. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V2 camera FT-1 Adapter and 80-400 mm VR II lens (ISO 160, 400 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)
Puffin Sunning Itself After A Successful Fishing Trip – The Young Ones Will Soon Get Breakfast. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V2 camera FT-1 Adapter and 80-400 mm VR II lens (ISO 160, 400 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)

Sunday (04-August-2019) — New Jersey

Bridge Velo Bicycle Race in Montgomery Township.

The bicycle race passed right by the house this morning. The race starts at the bottom of the hill at the J&J facility and went around the block. Blocks here are pretty big and includes some significant hills (both up and down). I need to use my Elby electric power assisted bicycle to make it up the hill.

Bridge Velo Bike Race in Montgomery Township. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Bridge Velo Bike Race in Montgomery Township. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Bridge Velo Bike Race in Montgomery Township. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)
Bridge Velo Bike Race in Montgomery Township. Image taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens. (DAVID J MATHRE)

Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Click on the above image to access the individual images in the slideshow.

Daily Electric Energy Used (58.9 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (71.6 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Daily net Surplus 12.7 kWh. For the week used 399 kWh and produced 441 kWh. Weekly net surplus 42 kWh.

Current Weather Conditions

powered by Ambient Weather

Sunday (04-August-2019) — New Jersey

Backyard Summertime Nature in New Jersey.

I haven’t been doing Dawn Panoramas recently since during the summer the sun rises further to the north which is blocked by trees and the house next door. By driving down the hill across from the J&J facility, I have a better view and took this Dawn Panorama this morning. Later on got some images of the Sunflower patch in my Wildflower Meadow.

Dawn Clouds. Composite of three images taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (ISO 100, 23 mm, f/2.8, 1/160 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Dawn Clouds. Composite of three images taken with a Leica CL camera and 23 mm f/2 lens (ISO 100, 23 mm, f/2.8, 1/160 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)

Sunflower Patch. Click on the above image to access the slideshow images.

Three Bumble Bees on a Sunflower. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/640 sec) (DAVID J MATHRE)
Three Bumble Bees on a Sunflower. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/640 sec) (DAVID J MATHRE)
Monarch Butterfly on a Zinnia Flower. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 400, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Monarch Butterfly on a Zinnia Flower. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 400, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Goldfinch looking for a Sunflower Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 720, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)
Goldfinch looking for a Sunflower Image taken with a Nikon 1 V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 720, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec). (DAVID J MATHRE)

Daily Electric Energy Used (58.9 kWh) from Sense and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (71.6 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Daily net Surplus 12.7 kWh. For the week used 399 kWh and produced 441 kWh. Weekly net surplus 42 kWh.

Current Weather Conditions

powered by Ambient Weather