Backyard Autumn Nature and Thanksgiving in New Jersey.
Blue Jay, Water Droplets, and Thanksgiving Dinner.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Blue Jay, Water Droplets, and Thanksgiving Dinner.
Snow from the previous day melted quickly, and the birds were back at the bird feeder. American Goldfinch, Tufted-Titmouse, Blue Jay, and House Finch.
Individual images from the slideshows can be viewed here.
I ran out of bird feed last month. Now that I have a reliable vehicle again, I picked up a bag of black (oil) sunflower seeds and a bag of mixed bird seeds. It took a couple of days for birds to come back to the feeder. It was cold enough for the birdbath to freeze over last night. The birds that show up now are the ones that stay for the winter. So far today a mix of sparrows, finches, titmice, woodpeckers, and blue jays showed up. The birds seem only interested in the sunflower seeds, and ignored the bird seed mix containing cracked corn and other seeds.
Individual images from the slideshows can be viewed here.
The Blue Jays are the alpha birds at the bird feeder. Even though they are a bit too heavy for the feeder, and need to take the sunflower seeds away to hammer on the seeds to get them to open. This morning, all of the birds flew away, and the next thing we heard were all of the Blue Jays in the neighborhood squawking and screaming. All of a sudden a Red Tail Hawk flew away being chased by the Blue Jays. Too bad I didn’t have a camera in my hand at the time…
Individual images in the slide show can be viewed here.
Birds at the bird feeder. Blue Jay, Brown Cowbird, House Finch, and Northern Cardinal. The blue jay has to take the sunflower seeds away to pound them against something hard. In addition to the adult cowbird, it appears that there are several juveniles. The cowbirds are brood parasites, laying their eggs in other birds species nests. I wonder if it was with the house finches? Another bird spending a lot of time here is the bright red cardinal.