Five-Years Ago (23-December-2008) — Florida

Gone to See America. December 2008 Florida Road Trip. Day 2: St. Petersburg.

Osprey Flyby Showing Off Its Catch to Attract a Mate. Fort De Soto Park in St. Petersburg, Florida. Image taken with a Nikon D700 camera and 300 mm f/2.8 VR lens with TC-E 20 II teleconverter (ISO 200, 600 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec).

Osprey with Fish for Breakfast at Fort DeSoto Park in St. Petersburg, Florida. Image taken with a Nikon D700 and 300 mm f/2.8 VR lens with TC-E 20 II teleconverter (ISO 200, 600 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec). (David J Mathre)
Osprey with Fish for Breakfast at Fort De Soto Park in St. Petersburg, Florida. Image taken with a Nikon D700 camera and 300 mm f/2.8 VR lens with TC-E 20 II teleconverter (ISO 200, 600 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec). (David J Mathre)

Monday (02-December-2013) — New Jersey

Late Autumn Backyard Night Sky Over New Jersey.

Star Trails and Time-lapse Video using the new Nikon Df camera and the 58 mm f/1.4G lens that came with the camera.

Star Trails. Backyard Night Sky Over New Jersey. Composite of images from 19:29-22:12 taken with a Nikon Df camera and 58 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 100, 58 mm, f/2, 30 sec). Images processed with Capture One Pro, and composite created with Photoshop CC Pro (scripts, statistics, maximum) (David J Mathre)
Star Trails. Backyard Night Sky Over New Jersey. Composite of images from 19:29-22:12 taken with a Nikon Df camera and 58 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 100, 58 mm, f/2, 30 sec). Images processed with Capture One Pro, and composite created with Photoshop CC Pro (scripts, statistics, maximum) (David J Mathre)

Saturday (30-November-2013) — New Jersey

Backyard Nighttime Autumn Sky Over New Jersey.

Into the Vortex. Early Morning Backyard Star Trails (and one meteor trail). Composite of 300 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/4, 59 sec) over a 5 hour period combined using startrails.exe.

alt_title. (David J Mathre)
Into the Vortex. Early Morning Backyard Startrails. Composite of 300 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/4, 59 sec) combined using startrails.exe. (David J Mathre)

Four-Years Ago (23-October-2009) — California

Gone to See California. SIRNA Business Meeting in San Francisco.

Sunset Panorama View of the Moon, Night Sky, Oakland and San Francisco from the Berkeley Hills. Composite of three images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 24 mm f/3.5 PC-E lens (ISO 800, 24 mm, f/5, 0.5 sec).

Sunset view of San Francisco and Oakland from Berkeley Hills (David J Mathre)
Sunset view of San Francisco and Oakland from Berkeley Hills (David J Mathre)

One-Year Ago (17-October-2012) — New Mexico

Gone to See America 2012 Road Trip. Day 11: Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Roswell, New Mexico.

Waxing Crescent Moon and Pair of Sandhill Cranes in Flight at Sunset. Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 50 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 125, 50 mm, f/8, 1/100 sec).

Moon and Sandhill Cranes in Flight at Sunset. Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 50 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 125, 50 mm, f/8, 1/100 sec). Nikonians ANPAT 12. (David J Mathre)
Moon and Sandhill Cranes in Flight at Sunset. Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 50 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 125, 50 mm, f/8, 1/100 sec). Nikonians ANPAT 12. (David J Mathre)