Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of art from around the world
Home Renovation Project – Wall Print Mounting System
I was testing some ideas for a wall system for mounting fine-art prints in my house. The goal was a system where prints could easily be exchanged and moved around. I first tried using flexible 3M magnetic tape. The magnetic strength for the tape was not enough to hold up 13″ x 19″ prints. I then tried strips of cold-rolled steel (1″ x 0.125″ x 72″). This is the prototype system that I installed in my laundry room worked. Since then I made some modifications, and have installed seven (2 to 4 meter) sections in other rooms as part of the home renovation project.
Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey
After finishing Saturday chores around the house I noticed a few Monarch butterflies in my wildflower meadow. I spent the rest of the afternoon out with a camera. They need to start migrating soon as it has been getting cold at night.
Travel Souvenirs and Selfie
I saw this sand painting while visiting the temples in Bagan, Burma (Myanmar). I am not often tempted to purchase souvenirs, but the birds on the tree reminded me of a Navajo “Tree of Life” wool rug. We were only part way through the Spring 2016 Semester at Sea voyage when I purchased the sand painting and I wasn’t sure it would make the trip without being damaged . Two months later when I finally got home, the painting was still in good condition. I had it framed locally using non-reflective glass, and it is now next to the Navajo “Tree of Life” wool rug.
Every Year or so, the Beard Falls Off
Indoor Abstract Art
While hand washing the dishes, I noticed a large number of bubbles in one pot. As I moved the colors kept changing. I assumed it was due to diffraction of a mono-molecular layer of soap. but wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to take an image that would capture the beauty of the colors, and the symmetry of the bubble packing. After a lot of trial and error, I was able to obtain some interesting images.
Backyard Autumn Night Sky in New Jersey — Star Trails
View looking south from my backyard. Night sky star and jet trails. Composite of 173 images taken with a Nikon D810a camera and 24 mm f/3.5 PC-E lens (ISO 200, 24 mm, f/8, 120 sec). Images processed with Capture One Pro (including conversion to B&W), then the composite generated using Photoshop CC (statistics, maximum). If you look closely, there is at least one meteor trail.