Gone to See America. February 2014 Florida Road Trip. Day 12: Big Cypress National Preserve.
Foggy Morning along the Loop Road in Big Cypress Swamp National Preserve.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of art from around the world
Foggy Morning along the Loop Road in Big Cypress Swamp National Preserve.
Wintertime walkabout in Tromsø, Norway. Random sights, ships and graffiti. Most in B&W. Images taken with a Leica X2 camera.
Individual images in the slide shows can be viewed here.
While staying at Clyde Butcher’s Swamp Bungalow, I went for a “Swamp Walk” in the Big Cypress Swamp with Kristen and Angela. Before the trip, I got a pair of waders from Cabela’s. Not really sure what I was getting into, I only took a walking stick/monopod and my trusty Leica X2 travel camera. It was a lot of fun — and we didn’t see any alligators or water moccasin snakes. Just the week before, one of the invasive 15+ foot Burmese pythons was caught nearby.
First snow in New Jersey the winter of 2017 that didn’t disappear within a day. The day before it was 65°F (18°C). Ultimately, we got about 6 inches (15 cm) of a heavy wet snow. It was enough that I needed to shovel part of my driveway. Snow covered the solar panels — reducing power generation to nothing. It took a couple of days for the snow to avalanche off the solar panels. You don’t want stand under where it slides off. So far this year only minor dusting.
On our first night in Tromsø, Anna – a local photographer and her husband took us to a couple of locations to view northern lights. The first place, Telegrafbukta is not far (maybe 45 minutes walking) from the center of Tromsø along the fjord. I got many great images of the northern lights. I am not exactly sure what the walkway going into the cold water is for, unless they have a polar bear swimming club. This is obviously a favorite place for locals to view northern lights on a Friday night. There were at least a dozen folks just up the hill. I’ve reprocessed the images, and used them to create a star trails image, and a time-lapse video.
Individual images in the slide show can be viewed here.
Last year I was contacted by Condé Nast to use one of these images in a publication about European beaches. I told them that they could use the image if they downloaded it from my PhotoShelter Image Gallery and paid the appropriate rate (depends on size and publication circulation). I guess they didn’t like the rate suggested…
We then went to Kvaløya (Whale) Island for the 2nd image. The mountain on the right is lit up with a yellow color from sodium lights at the home near the water. It was a lot easier to photography the northern lights when on solid ground with a tripod. On the ship, even with a tripod you get the motion of the ship.