Four-Years Ago (07-October-2008) — California

Gone to See America October 2008 Road Trip. Eighth Annual Nikonian Photography Adventure Trip. Day 3: Yosemite National Park.

Rock Slide at Curry Village.  After our morning session, we ate lunch at Curry Village. Michael Mariant was going to do an IR photography workshop in the afternoon. On the way to the workshop, we stopped by our cabins. As we were leaving the cabins there was this loud noise. At first it sounded like thunder — but the sky was blue with no clouds. The noise got louder, and Michael yelled “run for your lives — rock slide” We all ran from our cabins to the parking lot. Since I drove, I was one of the few  that had cameras and lenses available. Most of the folks left their gear in the cabin for the IR workshop. I took the  following images  during and just after the rock slide. Luckily, there were no injuries since most everyone was out of Curry Village visiting other parts of Yosemite  when the rock slide occurred. Later in the afternoon, a Park Service helicopter with a USGS geologist surveyed the rock slide site and declared things safe. Only then were we permitted to return to our cabins. A school group was also staying at Curry village. That evening the Elementary school age children moved to a different campsite. The Middle and High school students remained at Curry Village. The crisis counselors told the students that a large rock falls in Yosemite Valley on average every 9-10 days, so they would be safe for the rest of the trip. Little did they know that Murphy was listening!!!!

Three-Years Ago (10-October-2008) — California

Gone to See America October 2008 Road Trip. Eighth Annual Nikonian Photography Adventure Trip. Day 6: Yosemite National Park.

Time-Lapsed Video: Morning at Taft Point. 

On the last day of ANPAT 8, we got up before sunrise to get to Taft Point for a different view of Yosemite Valley.  After a short drive to the parking area, then a hike to Taft Point I set up a camera with a wide-angle (24 mm) lens to record the photographer working Taft Point as the sun lit up the other side of Yosemite Valley. Later, I put on the tripod head-cam with a fisheye (16 mm) lens to record the hike from Taft Point back to the van. This was the same tripod head-cam set up that I used during Winston Hall’s  workshop in Arches National Park record a time-lapse video of that hike 19-September-2008.

Three-Years Ago (09-October-2008) — California

Gone to See America October 2008 Road Trip. Eighth Annual Nikonian Photography Adventure Trip. Day 5: Yosemite National Park.

The Park Service recovered all of our belongings from the tent-cabins in Curry Village. We then checked into various Yosemite hotels and lodges (gratis). Much higher end lodging than the sparse tent-cabins. Before dinner, Michael Mariant as a special treat after all the weeks commotion took us for a walk along a quiet and peaceful section of the Merced river. The diffuse and sublime lighting made for some great images.

Two-Years Ago (14-May-2009) — California

Gone to See America 2009 Road Trip. Day 7: Spring in Yosemite National Park Photography Workshop with Michael Mariant.

I took this image 2 years ago  while driving into Yosemite National Park. I noticed something bright red in my rear view mirror. This was not red flashing lights, but rather something red in the woods. I turned around and found these flowers blooming. I did not know what they were — a plant or fungus. They were later identified as Snow Plants (Sarcodes sanguinea). Although plants, they do not use chlorophyll for photosynthesis, but rather get carbohydrates from coniferous trees via a shared mycorrhizal fungus.

Snow Plant (Sarcodes sanguinea). Yosemite National Park. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 45 mm f/2.8 PC-E lens (ISO 100, 45 mm, f/8, 1/13 sec). (David J. Mathre)
Snow Plant (Sarcodes sanguinea). Yosemite National Park. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 45 mm f/2.8 PC-E lens (ISO 100, 45 mm, f/8, 1/13 sec). (David J. Mathre)


One-Year Ago (26-February-2010) — California

Photography Workshop “Yosemite in Winter: A Season of Contrast” with Michael Mariant. Day 2: Yosemite National Park.

The following image is a combination of two NIK tools, HDR Pro and Silver Efex 2. The images were taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 16 mm, f/11, various shutter speeds) during a photography workshop one-year ago in Yosemite National Park.

Yosemite Valley Winter Storm Building. Nikonians "Yosemite in Winter"2010 Workshop. HDR Composite. Images taken with a Nikon D3s and 14-24 mm f/2.8 (ISO 200, 16 mm, f/11) (David J Mathre)