Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.
Several birds at the bird feeder. The new bird in the neighborhood is a large hawk. I’m not sure what type of hawk at this distance, but the small birds at the bird feeder appeared to be more cautious.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Several birds at the bird feeder. The new bird in the neighborhood is a large hawk. I’m not sure what type of hawk at this distance, but the small birds at the bird feeder appeared to be more cautious.
Brown Pelican With an Itch in Kralendijk Bonaire. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 250 mm, f/5.6, 1/640 sec).
Lots going on. When the Blue Jay is at the bird feeder, all the other birds stay away. I noticed some White Clematis flowers across the street. Then I noticed some new wildflowers in my yard. So far this year it has been pretty sparse compared with last spring at this time. I don’t know the identity of the small white/pink/purple flowers. The plants in the Garden Tower are growing very fast. I am starting to eat some of the lettuce. The summer squash and cucumber plants are getting too big as their leaves are blocking light to the smaller plants in the tower. Some of the pepper plants are starting to bloom. The mile-a-minute vine is getting way out of control. In one section I used a propane torch to burn the vine. In another section I tried a chemical approach. I will compare the two sections in a week. While working the back section I found a couple of May Apple fruits. I have been told the Box Turtles eat, and then spread the seeds of the May Apple.
Birds at the bird feeder.
Birds at the bird feeder and the first Montgomery Farmer’s Market. Individual images can be viewed here.