Nine-Years Ago (11-February-2008) — New Jersey.

Backyard Night Sky in New Jersey: Star Trails.

Winter star trails looking south from my backyard. Composite of ten images taken with a Nikon D3 camera and 17-35 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 17 mm, f/4, 600 sec). A Nikon MC-36 intervalometer was used to trigger the camera for the 10 minute exposures (with a 3 seconds delay between exposures to allow the data to be written to the CF memory card.

Winter night sky -- star and jet trails looking south. Composite of 10 images taken with a Nikon D3 camera and 17-35 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 17 mm, f/4, 600 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, and the composite created using Photoshop CC (statistics, maximum). (David J Mathre)
Winter night sky — star and jet trails looking south. Composite of 10 images taken with a Nikon D3 camera and 17-35 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 200, 17 mm, f/4, 600 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, and the composite created using Photoshop CC (statistics, maximum). (David J Mathre)

Backyard Night Sky in New Jersey: Star Trails.

Five-Years Ago (03-January-2012) — New Jersey

Backyard Winter Night Sky in New Jersey. Star Trails looking North and South.

Star and jet trails looking north and south from my deck. Raw images processed with Capture One Pro, and the composite created using Photoshop CC (scripts, statistics, maximum).

Star and jet trails looking north from my deck. Composite of 368 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 24 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/2, 59 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro, and the composite created using Photoshop CC (scripts, statistics, maximum), followed by Silver Efex Pro to convert the image to B&W. (David J Mathre)
Star and jet trails looking north from my deck. Composite of 368 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 24 mm f/1.4 lens (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/2, 59 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro, and the composite created using Photoshop CC (scripts, statistics, maximum), followed by Silver Efex Pro to convert the image to B&W. (David J Mathre)
Star, moon, and jet trails looking south from my deck. Composite of 361 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 400, 24 mm, f/4, 59 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro (including conversion to B&W), and the composite created using Photoshop CC (scripts, statistics, maximum). (David J Mathre)
Star, moon, and jet trails looking south from my deck. Composite of 361 images taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 400, 24 mm, f/4, 59 sec). Raw images processed with Capture One Pro (including conversion to B&W), and the composite created using Photoshop CC (scripts, statistics, maximum). (David J Mathre)

Six-Years Ago (02-January-2011) — Argentina

Gone to See Patagonia 2010/2011. Photography Workshop with Thom Hogan. Day 7: Hosteria El Pilar.

Orion is upside down in the southern hemisphere. A dark night sky in Patagonia. Hosteria El Pilar, El Chalten, Argentina. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 50 mm f/1.4G (ISO 12800, 50 mm, f/2, 1/15 sec).

Night Sky in Patagonia. Hosteria El Pilar, El Chalten, Argentina. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 50 mm f/1.4G (ISO 12800, 50 mm, f/2, 1/15 sec) (David J Mathre)
Night Sky in Patagonia. Hosteria El Pilar, El Chalten, Argentina. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 50 mm f/1.4G (ISO 12800, 50 mm, f/2, 1/15 sec) (David J Mathre)

Individual images from the slide-show can be viewed here.

Four-Years Ago (16-November-2012) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nighttime Sky Over New Jersey.

Late Fall Night Sky and Leonid Meteors Trail over New Jersey. Composite of two images taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/2.8, 1 min).

alt_title. (David J Mathre)
Late Fall Night Sky and Leonid Meteors Trail over New Jersey. Composite of two images taken with a Nikon D4 camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/2.8, 1 min). (David J Mathre)

Ten-Years Ago (05-November-2006) — New Jersey

Backyard night sky with moon-lit clouds moving in. Orion is partially hiding. Images taken with a Nikon D2xs camera and 17-35 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 17 mm, f/2.8, 6 sec).