Tuesday (11-December-2018) — New Jersey

Home Cooking. Savory Herb Loaf.

Savory Herb Loaf Recipe: Sprouted Wheat Flour (1 cups); Whole Wheat Flour (1 cup); Bread Flour (1 cup);ย  Dill Seed (1 tbs);, Celery Seed (1 tbs), Poppy Seed (1 tbs); Dill Weed (1 tbs); Oregano (1 tbs); Parsley (1 tbs); Garlic Powder (1 tbs); Chives (1 tbs); Flax Oil (2 tbs); Salt (1 tsp); Egg (1 large); Brown Sugar (2 tbs); Water (1 1/3 cup). Above ingredients added to Panasonic Bread Bakery. Yeast (2 tsp) added to yeast hopper and the unit set for Whole Wheat Bread (Rapid) and started. Three hours later, I removed the loaf of bread. It rose to well above the top of the pan โ€” and the house smelled of herbs. I only let it cool a few minutes before slicing a piece. It was good, but next time I will add a bit less sugar so it doesn’t rise too far.

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