Springtime Backyard Nature in New Jersey.
Chipping Sparrow and Mourning Dove.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
A Chipping Sparrow at the bird feeder, wary deer, and attempts to capture water droplets in a fountain. During the night a raccoon raided the composting tube in the Garden Tower. I decided to mount a cactus on top of the Garden Tower. As you can see in the nighttime IR videos, it didn’t work.
A pair of wary deer, various birds at the bird feeder, and adding worms to the composting tube in the Garden Tower. It is finally warm enough to start planting seedlings in the Garden Tower.
Chipping Sparrow at the bird feeder, and a very scrawny yearling deer. It was a long winter, and weather in March was difficult for finding food. Now the grass is turning green and starting to grow — which becomes the major food source for the deer.
Individual images can be viewed here.