Gone to See Central America and the Panama Canal. Semester at Sea Spring 2011 Enrichment Voyage on the MV Explorer. Ultimate Travel Photography Workshop II with Michael Mariant. Day 18: Belize.
Being Stared Down by a Green Kingfisher in Belize. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 720, 300 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec).
Backyard Nature in New Jersey: Small Winter Birds on Christmas Eve.
I attached a 600 mm f/4 VR lens to the Nikon 1 V2 camera using the FT1 adapter. This was then set up on a tripod with a Gimble head on my back deck. Because of the small size of the digital sensor on the N1V2, this combination has a field of view (FOV) equivalent to a 1620 mm lens on a full size (35 mm) digital sensor. I wanted to see what type of images I could get, especially of small birds. There is more noise with the small sensor (and I think more noise with the N1V2 than the N1V1).
Fall Nature in New Jersey. Sourland Mountain Preserve.
The sky finally cleared. I was wondering if the rain in Spain (which fell on more than the plains) followed me back home. I went to Sourland Mountain Preserve to see what changed since I left for the voyage in mid-August. September is usually the time to see the Monarch butterflies as they prepare for their trip to Mexico. The first thing I saw when I got out of the car was a Great White Heron working a pond. I watched it for a while, and managed to get some “grab” shots as it captured a frog for breakfast. I hiked up the gas pipeline trail and only saw one thistle plant still in bloom. All of the other thistle plants had already gone to seed. When I returned down the trail, I waited at the thistle in bloom and was rewarded by two late season Monarch butterflies. Then when I was going back to my car, I saw this Green Heron fishing in the pond. All in all a great day at the Sourland Mountain Preserve.
Gone to See Central America and the Panama Canal. Semester at Sea Spring 2011 Enrichment Voyage on the MV Explorer. Ultimate Travel Photography Workshop II with Michael Mariant. Day 18: Belize.
Black Vultures in Flight in Belize. The lake was filled with dead fish. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 300 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec).