Five-Years Ago (21-June-2008) — New Jersey

Summertime Nature in New Jersey: Sourland Mountain Preserve.

Female Red-Winged Blackbird with an Insect. First Day of Summer at the Sourland Mountain Preserve. Image taken with a Nikon D300 camera and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/200 sec).

Female Red-Winged Blackbird with an Insect. First Day of Summer at the Sourland Mountain Preserve in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/200 sec). (David J Mathre)
Female Red-Winged Blackbird with an Insect. First Day of Summer at the Sourland Mountain Preserve in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D300 camera and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/200 sec). (David J Mathre)

Two-Years Ago (14-May-2011) — Belize

Gone to See Central America and the Panama Canal. Semester at Sea Spring 2011 Enrichment Voyage on the MV Explorer. Ultimate Travel Photography Workshop II with Michael Mariant. Day 18: Belize.

Green Kingfisher in Belize. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 400, 300 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec)

Green Kingfisher in Belize. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 400, 300 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec) (David J Mathre)
Green Kingfisher in Belize. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 400, 300 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec) (David J Mathre)

One-Year Ago (11-May-2012) — New Jersey

Springtime Nature in New Jersey.

Tree Swallow watching its nest at the Sourland Mountain Preserve. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V1 camera and 85 mm f/1.4G lens with FT1 adapter (ISO 100, 85 mm, f/4, 1/2500 sec). FOV equiv to 230 mm on a camera with a 35 mm sensor.

Tree Swallow Watching its Nest. Sourland Mountain Nature Preserve in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon 1 V1 camera and 85 mm f/1.4G lens with FT1 adapter (ISO 100, 85 mm, f/4, 1/2500 sec). FOV equiv to 230 mm on a 35 mm camera body. (David J Mathre)
Tree Swallow Watching its Nest.  Image taken with a Nikon 1 V1 camera and 85 mm f/1.4G lens with FT1 adapter (ISO 100, 85 mm, f/4, 1/2500 sec). (David J Mathre)

Five-Years Ago (11-May-2008) — Colorado

Gone to See America. May 2008 Colorado Road Trip. Day 2: Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge.

American Bittern Hunting in the Reeds at the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge in Early Spring. Image taken with a Nikon D300 camera and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec).

American Bittern Hunting at the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge in Early Spring. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec). (David J Mathre)
American Bittern Hunting at the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge in Early Spring. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1600 sec). (David J Mathre)

Five-Years Ago (10-May-2008) — Colorado

Gone to See America. May 2008 Colorado Road Trip. Day 1: Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Black-Billed Magpie in Medano Creek. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. Image taken with a Nikon D300 camera and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec).

Black-Billed Magpie in Medano Creek. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec). (David J Mathre)
Black-Billed Magpie in Medano Creek. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 80-400 mm VR lens (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec). (David J Mathre)