Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey
Although the growing season is winding down, there are still a lot of viable flowers in bloom.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey
Although the growing season is winding down, there are still a lot of viable flowers in bloom.
Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey
While cutting up some cardboard for recycling, I felt something go by my feed. At first I thought it was a rat, but then saw it was a big fat toad. Once I realized what it was, I went and got the first camera I could find to take its picture. The toad was probably looking for a warm space in my garage to spend the winter. I wonder how many crickets it had to eat to get this big???
A friend from Virginia stopped by on his way to the fall Nikonian ANPAT trip in Maine. We spent the day doing a pre-ANPAT visit to Liberty State Park, Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty.
Individual Images in the Slideshow can be viewed here.
A Painted Lady butterfly on a yellow flower in my garden. I also saw a Monarch butterfly, but it didn’t stay still long enough to have its picture taken.
Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey
A number of Black-capped Chickadee’s and Tufted “Black-crested” Titmouse (Titmice?) have descended on my backyard wildflower meadow to gouge on the sunflower seeds.