Orange clouds and silhouettes of trees without leaves just before the sunrise. I looked out 20 minutes earlier, and didn’t see any clouds so didn’t expect a colorful display this morning. Then while washing some dishes, I looked out my kitchen window and saw the colors developing. Composite of eight images taken with a Nikon Df camera and 28 mm f/1.8 lens.
Backyard Autumn Night Sky in New Jersey: Star Trails Looking West.
Night sky view from the back of the house. This was the first time I did star trail series looking west. The first composite is from 336 images taken between 18:30-23:59 (PM), and the second composite is from 375 images taken between 00:40-05:40 (AM). All taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/2.8, 59 sec). There is significant distortion due to the wide-angle lens. I should look at reprocessing the data using the DxO image processing program to remove the distortion.
Contrail, clouds, and silhouettes of trees without leaves early this morning. Composite of eleven images taken with a Nikon Df camera and 28 mm f/1.8 lens. Let me know if you like the version in color with the pastel clouds, or the one converted to B&W.
The leaves on the Japanese maple tree have faded from bright red to brown. Yesterday, some birds found the newly renovated bird bath. They will have to wait until next spring for me to install the solar-powered fountain. The three inquisitive but wary does looked on as I was taking pictures of the statue on the bird bath. Now that it is hunting season, the deer know that they need to stay within 400 feet of a house in order to stay safe.