Saturday (06-November-2010) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey.

Turkey Vulture soaring. The Turkey Vultures population has increased significantly since the state quit picking up the road killed deer. This is both hunting and rutting season so we have many deer running across roads and being hit by automobiles. Robin feasting on fall “bittersweet” berries. I don’t know if this robin plans to winter, or is feasting before flying south. Finally, some fall mushrooms.

Thursday (03-June-2010) — Trinidad

Gone to See the Caribbean Islands. Semester at Sea Spring 2010 Enrichment Voyage on the MV Explorer. Ultimate Travel Photography Workshop with Michael Mariant. Day 8: Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Blue Crowned Motmot at a Feeder. Asa Wright Nature Center, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 1600, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec).

Blue Crowned Motmot at a Feeder. Asa Wright Nature Center, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 1600, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec). Semester at Sea Spring 2010 Enrichment Voyage. (David J Mathre)
Blue Crowned Motmot at a Feeder. Image taken with a Nikon D3s camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (ISO 1600, 300 mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec). (David J Mathre)

Two-Years Ago (01-June-2008) — Colorado

Springtime Nature in Colorado.

Male Broad-tailed Hummingbird at Lily Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. Image taken with a Nikon D300 camera and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR lens + TC-E II 20 teleconverter (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/160 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.

Male Broad-tailed Humming Bird at Lilly Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. Image taken with a Nikon D300 and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR lens + TC-E II 20 teleconverter (ISO 200, 400 mm, f/8, 1/160 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Male Broad-tailed Hummingbird at Lily Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. (David J Mathre)

Saturday (17-April-2010) — California

Gone to See America 2010. Big Sur Photography Workshop with Michael Mariant. Day 3: Big Sur & California Coastal Redwood Forest.

California blue iris, a view up into the redwoods, and the John Pfeiffer homestead cabin. Images taken on the Oak Grove Trail in Big Sur State Park.

California Wild Blue Iris Bloom (David J Mathre)
California Wild Blue Iris Bloom (David J Mathre)
Wide Angle Looking up from a Coastal Redwood Forest. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/16, 2.5 sec). Raw image converted using Adobe Camera Raw 6.2 (landscape and used lens correction). (David J Mathre)
Wide Angle Looking up from a Coastal Redwood Forest. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens (ISO 100, 14 mm, f/16, 2.5 sec). Raw image converted using Adobe Camera Raw 6.2 (landscape and used lens correction). (David J Mathre)
John Pfeiffer Homstead Cabin. Oak Grove Trail, Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California. Composite of 3 images taken with a Nikon D3x and 85 mm f/2.8 PC-E lens (ISO 100, 85 mm, f/16, 1/8 sec). Raw image processed with Photoshop CS5 and Nik Silver Efex Pro 2. (David J. Mathre)
John Pfeiffer Homstead Cabin. Oak Grove Trail, Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California. Composite of 3 images taken with a Nikon D3x and 85 mm f/2.8 PC-E lens (ISO 100, 85 mm, f/16, 1/8 sec). Raw image processed with Photoshop CS5 and Nik Silver Efex Pro 2. (David J. Mathre)


A print of the “View Looking Up in a Redwood Forest” image won “Best in Show” and “People’s Choice” Awards at the Tampa Bay Photographic Art Society in September 2010.