Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.
It was cloudy and rained much of the day. I did get a chance to photograph a rabbit in my backyard as it was mowing my grass and clover. Also an image of some wet fast growing tree leaves.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of nature and the natural world. Plants, animals, and wildlife from around the world.
It was cloudy and rained much of the day. I did get a chance to photograph a rabbit in my backyard as it was mowing my grass and clover. Also an image of some wet fast growing tree leaves.
Today, I am posting some images of white-tailed deer in my backyard. The images were processed with Capture One Pro to get the single color and black & white effect.
I’ve never been able to get a picture of an American Gold Finch in my backyard. I’ve seen them, but they never stay in one place long enough to focus. Now that I have the adapter to have the new telephoto lens on a Gitzo Tripod with a Wimbly mount, I was able to get this image of four American Gold Finches. They were in the top of a tree approximately 150 feet from my deck.
A back-lit image of a Maple Leaf. The light was going down fast, and I had to get this quickly — thus handheld with a heavy lens. A macro image from 15 feet.
More testing out my new telephoto lenses. I don’t have the Kirk Arca-Swiss adapters, so the images were taken hand-held using the lens vibration reduction (VR) to stabilize the image.