Currency & Stamps: Mount Hood National Forest 2010 America the Beautiful Commemorative Quarter.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of the land around the world
Sunset over Haleakala Satellite Tracking Station: Comparison of HDR Image Processing Programs. I used images taken at sunset last year to do a comparison of HDR (high dynamic range) processing programs. The first image is the original image taken with a Nikon D3x and 24 mm f/3.5 PC-E lens (ISO 100, f/16, 1/10 sec). The next three images are HDR composites from 5 exposures (+2, +1, 0, -1, -2 EV) using Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro, Photomatix Pro, and Nik HDR Efex Pro. The final image was processed using DxO Optics Pro 6 using a “single-shot” HDR technique. All of the new HDR programs have multiple, if not many presets as well as many controls to optimize the image. The HDR programs have come a long way over the last 3-4 years, where the HDR effects were often overboard. But then again, HDR can recover an uninteresting image i.e. “A derelict fishing boat along the Alaska Canada Highway”
[pw_map address=”20.70995, -156.253317″ width=”600px” height=”400px” enablecontrols=”true” “key=”AIzaSyDzSJfuf50JPAE5AllQz8iLyENq3jp1rR”]
Comparison of RAW image converters. Waipi’o Valley is located along the Hamakua Coast on the northeastern coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. The image was taken with a Nikon D2xs camera and 12-24 mm f/4 lens (ISO 100, 17 mm, f/11, 1/200 sec). Four different programs were used to render the RAW image: 1) Capture NX2, 2) Photoshop CS5 with Camera Raw 6.2, 3) Capture One Pro 5, 4) DxO 6.5. The images were rotated 2.6° to level the horizon, sharpened with Focus Magic, and then converted to jpg and sRGB with Photoshop CS5. I am interested in feedback regarding the different renderings.
[pw_map address=”20.11965, -155.5911″ width=”600px” height=”400px” enablecontrols=”true” “key=”AIzaSyDzSJfuf50JPAE5AllQz8iLyENq3jp1rR”]
Turkey Vulture soaring. The Turkey Vultures population has increased significantly since the state quit picking up the road killed deer. This is both hunting and rutting season so we have many deer running across roads and being hit by automobiles. Robin feasting on fall “bittersweet” berries. I don’t know if this robin plans to winter, or is feasting before flying south. Finally, some fall mushrooms.
A few images from the first day of the Eastern Sierra Photography Workshop with Michael Mariant. I actually missed the first locations that Michael took the group to earlier in the day since I was traveling from San Francisco (visiting my group as part of my day job). Michael provided me with the GPS coordinates for the Red Canyon Petroglyphs so I could meet up with the group for the petroglyphs and then sunset over the Owens Valley. I took the following images of the petroglyphs soon after meeting up with the group. You can tell that there has been vandalism as folks try to add their own “art” or have taken parts of the ancient art away.