Yellow Cactus Flower. I was reviewing image from previous years and realised that I may have missed the cactus blooming. I went out this afternoon and found that one was still blooming. Three images. The first “as is” from a Leica D-Lux 5. The next is from a Nikon D3x and 105 mm macro lens. The final is a composite from the Nikon D3x and 105 mm macro from 16 images combined using Helicon Focus. Let me know what you think.
When I got home today, I saw a doe and two young fawns walking through my yard. I knew I didn’t have time to run and get a DSLR and telephoto so grabbed the Leica D-Lux 5 that I had in the car. I took the D-Lux 5 rather than the Leica X1, since the D-Lux 5 has zoom capabilities. I got a few images before they ran off. Once the doe realized I was near she got between me and the two fawns and then started pounding her front leg to let me know I was too close. Once they were gone, I walked the yard and got some macro images of wild strawberries, wild daisy flowers, and some small pink roses. What I didn’t realize was that the battery was low, and only got these images before the camera shut down.
Images from a walkabout in my backyard. A dragonfly, immature pine cones, wild raspberry flowers, honeysuckle flowers, and small white butterfly (also known as a cabbage moth)
Images of Colorado wildflowers taken at Lily Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. In Colorado this is still early spring with the snow only recently melting. I think that these are Prairie Crocus flowers (Pulsatilla Patens). Let me know if the identification is correct.