Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.
I was afraid I was going to miss the Plum Tree in bloom this year. The tree took a lot of hits this winter and some significant cuts by the power company. I also got an image of a new maple leaf.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
I was afraid I was going to miss the Plum Tree in bloom this year. The tree took a lot of hits this winter and some significant cuts by the power company. I also got an image of a new maple leaf.
It is raining today. A couple of images from near the house taken with a Leica X1 camera. The first is some daffodils still in bloom (most are already done) and the other of wet holly leaves. In both cases these are the “out of the camera” jpg images.
Pink Flower — Macro and Wide Depth of Field. I used the pink flower from yesterday as an exercise to practice with a macro lens, flash, and Helicon Focus to get a macro image of a flower with an extreme depth of field in focus. Ten images of the flower were taken from rear focus to front focus by manually adjusting the focus distance on the lens. The raw images were processed with Capture One Pro, converted to 16 bit Tiff files, and then processed with Helicon Focus. Even though the lens was set at f/22, the actual focus plane was very narrow and thus needing several focus distances for Helicon Focus.
Can You Identify this Shrub with Pink Flowers? I have been told that this is a Mountain Laurel, however when I search the web the flowers do not seem to be the same. It blooms in early spring, and the deer also avoid it. If you know what it is, please let me know. I need to get a better image with a macro lens.
First Dandelion of Spring. I noticed this spot of yellow in my driveway when getting home. An early dandelion — I’m sure many more will show up in the backyard soon. The local deer avoid eating dandelions and daffodils, but eat most any other spring flowers.