Backyard Winter Nature in New Jersey: Spring is Coming!!!
When going to mail a letter today, I noticed that the Purple Crocuses were in bloom along a south-facing rock wall. Early, but not as early as last year 17-February-2012. Last year I used the Nikon 1 V1 camera, this year the new Nikon 1 V2 camera. This is the first time I used the 60 mm f/2.8 macro lens (with the FT1 adapter) with a Nikon 1 camera.
Early Purple Crocus Bloom — Spring is Coming!!! Image taken with a Nikon 1 V2, FT2 adapter and 60 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 200, 60 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)
On this last day of spring, I saw a fat groundhog eating grass just off my porch. The animal is really shy, running away as soon as it sees my camera & lens.
Shy Groundhog in My Backyard. Last Day of Spring in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 300 mm f/2.8 VR lens (ISO 250, 300 mm, f/2.8, 1/320 sec). (David J Mathre)
Early this morning while not really awake I felt this Dog/Wood Tick crawling up my arm. I collected and saved it for some macro images. Did I say “I Hate Ticks”
Dog/Wood Tick. Early Summer Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR macro lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/22, 1/60 sec) with SB2-R200 flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6 and Photoshop CS6. (David J Mathre)Underside of a Dog/Wood Tick. Early Summer Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR macro lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/22, 1/60 sec) with SB2-R200 flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6 and Photoshop CS6. (David J Mathre)
Several images of flowers, berries seeds, and insects, in New Jersey, all taken with a Nikon 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro lens.
Wild Strawberry. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Spider. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Wild While Raspberry Flowers. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/125 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Small While Flowers. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/125 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Two While Flowers. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/125 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Wild Raspberry Flowers. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/125 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Wild Raspberry Flower. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Bee Pollinating a Wild Raspberry Flower. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Immature Pine Cones. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Immature Sycamore Seed. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Wild Raspberry. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .Wild Raspberry. Spring Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro Lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/11, 1/60 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (Tonal Contrast), Nik Define 2, and Photoshop CS5. .
Several images of flowers, insects, and trees in New Jersey, all taken with a Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR lens with a TC-E II 14 teleconverter.
Red Maple Seeds. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 400, 280 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..Two Ants in Raspberry Flowers. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 100, 280 mm, f/4, 1/640 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..Raspberry Flowers. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 250, 280 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..Bumble Bee in Raspberry Flowers. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 400, 280 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..Wasp in Raspberry Flowers. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 280, 280 mm, f/4, 1/160 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..Red Maple Leaf. Macro Images of Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D2xs and 70-200 mm f/2.8 VR and TC-E 14 teleconverter (ISO 400, 280 mm, f/4, 1/160 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, NIK Define 2, and Photoshop CS5..