Backyard Winter Nature in New Jersey. Rabbit Tracks on Presidents Day.
We had a light covering of fresh snow this morning. Based on the new trails several deer and a lone rabbit must have passed through my front yard.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
We had a light covering of fresh snow this morning. Based on the new trails several deer and a lone rabbit must have passed through my front yard.
The storm was forecasted. The township and the power company sent e-mail warnings for everyone to be prepared. When I woke up the power was going off and on, and finally at about 08:30 stayed off. I don’t know how long the power will be off and if I will be sleeping in the RV tonight where I have a propane heater. In the morning I took a number of images with a Leica D-Lux 5 camera. Later as it warmed and turned to rain, ice and branches started falling. There will be a lot to clean up this spring.
Individual images from this slide-show can be viewed here.
The snow was deep enough to keep me from even getting my Range Rover up the driveway to the road in front of my house. I did dig a walking path to the road. Being stuck at home gave me a chance to take some pictures out in the snow.
Afternoon walkabout with a camera after the snow stopped.