Friday (21-January-2011) — New Jersey

Happy to Be Home!

I’m back home in NJ recovering from walking pneumonia contracted while in Patagonia. Yesterday I started going through 560 e-mail messages at work. Please check out Thom Hogan’s blog about our being held hostage in Chile. It was real, I was there. This weekend I plan to start uploading new images from the fun part of the Patagonia workshop. I also need to deal with hard disk space on my main desktop and back up all images (~20k, 360 GB) taken while in Patagonia.

Troll Family. Composite of 30 stacked images using Helicon Focus. Nikon D3x and 50 mm f/1.4G (ISO 100, f/1.4, 1.3 sec) (David J Mathre)
Troll Family. Composite of 30 stacked images using Helicon Focus. Nikon D3x and 50 mm f/1.4G (ISO 100, f/1.4, 1.3 sec) (David J Mathre)

Sunday (21-November-2010) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nighttime Sky Over New Jersey.

November Full Moon — Also known as the Beaver Moon or Harvest Moon. 1) Image acquired with a Nikon D3x camera and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 100, 800 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec). 2) Image acquired with a Nikon D3s camera and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 200, 800 mm, f/16, 1/100 sec).

November Full Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with D3s and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 200, 800 mm, f/16, 1/100 sec). (David J Mathre)
November Full Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with D3s camera and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 200, 800 mm, f/16, 1/100 sec). (David J Mathre)
November Full Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with D3x and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 100, 800 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)
November Full Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with D3x camera and 400 mm f/2.8 with TC-E 20 teleconverter (ISO 100, 800 mm, f/8, 1/250 sec). (David J Mathre)

Friday (19-November-2010) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nighttime Sky Over New Jersey.

Waxing Gibbous Moon (97% full). Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and Questar 7″ telescope (ISO 200, 1600 mm, f/16, 1/200 sec). Image processed with Capture One 5, Photoshop CS5, Focus Magic, Topaz DeNoise.

Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and Questar 7" telescope (ISO 200, 2500 mm, f/16, 1/200 sec) (David J Mathre)
Moon over New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and Questar 7″ telescope (ISO 200, 2500 mm, f/16, 1/200 sec) (David J Mathre)


Sunday (14-November-2010) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nighttime Sky in New Jersey.

Gibbous Moon. Image taken with Nikon D3x camera and Questar 3.5″ telescope (ISO 100, ~ 1600 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec). Processed using Capture One Pro 5 and Photoshop CS3. With the smaller telescope I used the mirror up setting on the camera to dampen mirror vibrations for 30 seconds before taking the image.

Waxing Gibbous Moon from New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and Questar 3.5" Telescope (ISO 100, ~1600 mm, f/16, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)
Waxing Gibbous Moon viewed from New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and Questar 3.5″ Telescope (ISO 100, ~1600 mm, f/16, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)


Saturday (13-November-2010) — New Jersey

Backyard Autumn Nighttime Sky over New Jersey.

First Quarter Moon. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and Questar 7″ Telescope (ISO 100, ~ 1600 mm, f/16, 1/50 sec). Processed using Capture One Pro 5 and Photoshop CS3.

First Quarter Moon from New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and Questar 7" Telescope (ISO 100, ~1600 mm, f/16, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)
First Quarter Moon from New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and Questar 7″ Telescope (ISO 100, ~1600 mm, f/16, 1/50 sec) (David J Mathre)