Indoor and Outdoor Wildlife in New Jersey.
Another macro image of a Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) crawling on the wall indoors. It is not a silverfish. Outside, I got to test out a new telephoto lens.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Another macro image of a Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) crawling on the wall indoors. It is not a silverfish. Outside, I got to test out a new telephoto lens.
Images from a walkabout in my backyard. A dragonfly, immature pine cones, wild raspberry flowers, honeysuckle flowers, and small white butterfly (also known as a cabbage moth)
I noticed these big white flowers across the street. They were identified as Clematis. It has been a great spring for flowers this year in New Jersey. After taking some images of the flowers, Lauren gave me some of his excess tomato plants to grow on my deck. Because of travel over the last several years, I haven’t had much time to keep up with a garden. This summer could be different. I have a couple of big pots and bags of planting soil to set up on the back deck.
Thanks to the Internet, I was finally able to identify this bug crawling up the wall. It is a Scutigera Coleoptrata, aka house centipede — and not a Silverfish. Apparently these eat other bugs including Silverfish in the house. This one is missing part of its right front antenna, and three of its right front legs. They still are creepy — no pun intended.
Ever since I got home and came in after taking the bee images, I kept feeling something crawling on me. I didn’t find anything and thought it was the ants that have invaded the house while I was on the Enrichment Voyage. Finally, I found a tick crawling on my shoulder. I think that it is a female dog tick and not a deer tick. I don’t like any type of ticks. I don’t know if this was the only one, but to make sure all of my cloths and bedding are now in the washing machine.