Happy Thanksgiving!
I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. This is an image of three young wild turkeys in my backyard earlier this year.

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
While processing through the images from the other night, I found three (maybe four) Leonid meteor trails in a star trail composite of 35 one minute exposures. The camera was facing south from my deck, and the sky was just starting to get light.
The Drobo disk array upgrade and data backups are finally complete (after almost three weeks). I can now start processing more images from my Fall 2012 Semester at Sea voyage, and the three-week trip to New Mexico and west Texas (including a week with the ANPAT 12 trip).
I had two cameras out all night last night. I captured images of a few Leonid Meteors. I now need to put together some time-lapsed movies of the night sky. It is clear again tonight, so will try again with some different angles.
I went out to check if the sky would be clear tonight for the Leonid Meteors, and saw the waxing crescent moon. I took this image with a Leica X2. The camera was set for black & white (natural). Since this camera does record raw (Adobe DNG) images, I was also able to process a color version. Let me know which image you like. Since the sky looks clear, I will have cameras out to capture some meteor images — and don’t expect to get much sleep tonight.
Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) β Not a Silverfish, one of my creepy crawly house pets appeared again this afternoon. Still waiting on the Drobo upgrade to complete, so spent some time taking macro images β until it got tired of the flash and went away.