Thursday (21-April-2011) — New Jersey

Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey

Pink Flower — Macro and Wide Depth of Field. I used the pink flower from yesterday as an exercise to practice with a macro lens, flash, and Helicon Focus to get a macro image of a flower with an extreme depth of field in focus. Ten images of the flower were taken from rear focus to front focus by manually adjusting the focus distance on the lens. The raw images were processed with Capture One Pro, converted to 16 bit Tiff files, and then processed with Helicon Focus. Even though the lens was set at f/22, the actual focus plane was very narrow and thus needing several focus distances for Helicon Focus.

Pink Flower Macro and Helicon Focus Study. Image taken with a Nikon D3x, 200 mm f/4 macro lens, and SB-200R flash (ISO 100, 200 mm, f/22, 1/60 sec). Composite of 10 focus layers combined using Helicon Focus. (David J Mathre)
Pink Flower Macro and Helicon Focus Study. Image taken with a Nikon D3x, 200 mm f/4 macro lens, and SB-200R flash (ISO 100, 200 mm, f/22, 1/60 sec). Composite of 10 focus layers combined using Helicon Focus. (David J Mathre)

Monday (13-December-2010) — New Jersey

Troll Family: Holiday Portrait.

Practice shot with a new Leica D-Lux 5 digital camera. Image taken in manual mode (ISO 80, 7.5 mm, f/4, 0.8 sec). The vignetting was added during post processing. If the focus is off, my eyes are still adjusting after being dilated for an eye exam.

Troll Family. Image taken with a Leica D-Lux 5 camera (ISO 80, 7.5 mm, f/4, 0.8 sec) (David J Mathre)
Troll Family. Image taken with a Leica D-Lux 5 camera (ISO 80, 7.5 mm, f/4, 0.8 sec) (David J Mathre)

Wednesday (10-November-2010) — New Jersey

Macro Images: Crystals.

I have always been fascinated  with gems and crystals. I loved growing sugar and then alum crystals as a kid. Ultimately, I became a chemist where growing crystals became part of my job. These are several random rough crystals that I have grown over the years. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 60 mm f/2.8 macro (ISO 100, f/11, 30 sec). Processed using Capture One Pro 5, Adobe Photoshop PS5 and Focus Magic.

Random Rough Crystals. Image taken with Nikon D3x and 60 mm f/2.8 macro (ISO 100, f/11, 30 sec) (David J Mathre)
Random Rough Crystals. Image taken with a Nikon D3x camera and 60 mm f/2.8 macro lens (ISO 100, f/11, 30 sec) (David J Mathre)