Backyard Autumn Nature in New Jersey.
Critters feeding on my patio — or how to spend a quiet birthday with a new lens (Fujicon 200 mm f/2 with 1.4x teleconverter).
Individual images in the slideshows can be viewed here.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Critters feeding on my patio — or how to spend a quiet birthday with a new lens (Fujicon 200 mm f/2 with 1.4x teleconverter).
Individual images in the slideshows can be viewed here.
I spent much of the day using the new Fujinon 200 mm f/2 lens with the included 1.4x teleconverter shooting the birds (house finch, blue jay, red-bellied woodpecker, common grackle, black-crested tufted titmouse, and junco) and other critters (cat, grey squirrel, and deer). in my backyard.
Birds on the patio and bird feeder. Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Grey Junco, Tufted Titmouse.
Even though it was raining, there was a lot of activity at the bird feeders. Blue Jays, Northern Cardinals, Tufted Titmouse, American Goldfinch, and new for me a Marsh Wren. The squirrels stayed off the bird feeder — I don’t know if that means the electric shock worked.
Individual images in the slide shows can be viewed here.
Some bird activity at the bird feeders — American Goldfinch and Blue Jay. But then the rogue Black Squirrel figured out how to get up and work on the sunflower seeds. Afterwards, I reconnected the electric fence cable to the bird feeders. It shouldn’t impact the birds since they don’t touch both the ground and feeder at the same time. The squirrel on the other hand has two paws on the grounded center post.
Individual images in the slide show can be viewed here.