Backyard Wintertime Nature in New Jersey
Backyard Birdfeeder: Northern Cardinal. eBird Checklist
Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Backyard Birdfeeder: Northern Cardinal. eBird Checklist
Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Visitors to the birdfeeder: Turkey Vulture, American Crow, Carolina Wren, Dark-eyed Junco, White-throated Sparrow, Song Sparrow.
Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (64.1 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (32.0 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. The solar panels mostly clear of snow. Geothermal HVAC system on. A deficit of 32.1 kWh.
Backyard Birdfeeder: Blue Jay. eBird Checklist
Visitors to the birdfeeder: American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, White-throated Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal.
Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (77.8 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (7.8 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. The solar panels partially covered with snow. Geothermal HVAC system on. A deficit of 70.0 kWh.
I know I am a fat Squirrel, but you forgot to fill the birdfeeder and it is snowing out. Image taken with a Nikon D850 camera and 500 mm f/4 VR lens.
Visitors to the birdfeeder: Tufted Titmouse, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, White-throated Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal.
Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (88.7 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (2.0 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Snow and sleet. The solar panels partially covered with snow. Geothermal HVAC system on. A deficit of 86.7 kWh.