Four-Years Ago (03-March-2017) — New Jersey

Backyard Wintertime Nature in New Jersey

Afternoon Backyard Walkabout: Turkey Vulture. My eBird Checklist


Afternoon Backyard Walkabout. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Tuesday (08-December-2020) — New Jersey

Autumn Backyard Nature in New Jersey.

Visitors to the birdfeeder: Turkey Vulture and Northern Cardinal

Backyard Birdfeeder. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Daily Electric Energy Used (65.7 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (22.7 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Sunny with more clouds. Geothermal HVAC system on. A deficit of 43.0 kWh.

Tuesday (14-July-2020) — New Jersey

Summertime Backyard Nature in New Jersey.

I admit I am not spending as much time watching the birds or wildflowers while the butterflies and clearwing moths are present. The only bird for the day was a Turkey Vulture soaring while I was working in the yard. I also found a single Tiger Lily flower. Every year I think the deer ate them all, and then one out of the 250 bulbs planted three years ago will pop up. I also noticed some different Larkspur flowers in the wildflower meadow.

Turkey Vulture. Image taken with a Nikon N1V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (DAVID J MATHRE)
Turkey Vulture. Image taken with a Nikon N1V3 camera and 70-300 mm VR lens (DAVID J MATHRE)

Flowers of the Day. Individual images from this slide show can be viewed at my PhotoShelter Gallery.

I didn’t see the Monarch or Eastern Swallowtail Butterfly today. The Clearwing moths were present in the Bee-Balm/Lemon-Mint wildflower meadow along with many Bumblebees. I think that there are two types of Clearwing Moths working the flowers. The Clearwing Hummingbird moth (Hemaris thysbe) which is the larger of the two, and has light-colored front legs; and The Clearwing Snowberry moth (Hemaris diffinis) which is smaller, and has dark/black colored front legs. I will be spending the next few days trying out different camera and lens combinations to figure out the best kit is to capture images of the Clearwing moths.

Clearwing Hummingbird Moths (Hemaris thysbe) of the Day. Individual images from this slide show can be viewed at my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Clearwing Snowberry Moths (Hemaris diffinis) of the Day. Individual images from this slide show can be viewed at my PhotoShelter Gallery.


Daily Electric Energy Used (54.4 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (77.7 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Sun and a few clouds. A surplus of 23.3 kWh.

Wednesday (15-April-2020) — New Jersey

Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.

Daily bird images. Time to refill the bird feeders. Pair of House Finches in the morning, and a Turkey Vulture soaring in the afternoon.

alt_title. (David J Mathre)
Pair of House Finches hanging out at an empty bird feeder. Image taken with a Nikon D5 camera and 600 mm f/4 VR lens (ISO 1600, 600 mm, f/4, 1/60 sec) (David J Mathre)
alt_title. (David J Mathre)
Turkey Vulture soaring. Image taken with a Fuji X-T2 camera and 100-400 mm OIS lens (ISO 200, 261 mm, f/6.4, 1/400 sec). (David J Mathre)
alt_title. (David J Mathre)
Turkey Vulture soaring. Image taken with a Fuji X-T2 camera and 100-400 mm OIS lens (ISO 200, 261 mm, f/6.4, 1/850 sec). (David J Mathre)

Daily Electric Energy Used (53.8 kWh) from Sense Home Energy Monitor and Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (74.3 kWh) from SolSystems and Locus Energy. Lots of sun (some clouds). A surplus of 20.5 kWh.

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One-Year Ago (06-March-2019) — New Jersey

Backyard Wintertime Nature in New Jersey.

Birds of the Day viewed from my backyard patio: Canada Goose, Turkey Vulture, Blue Jay, Red-winged Blackbird, and Northern Cardinal.


Birds of the Day. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.