Tuesday (14-June-2011) — New Jersey

Springtime in New Jersey.

CSX 8519 Railroad Locomotive. I had to stop for this CSX locomotive at two railroad crossings while driving home tonight. The second time I was in front of the queue and had the chance to quickly get the Leica X1 camera I carry in the car out and get a snapshot. Image converted to B&W with NIK Silver Efex Pro 2. Let me know if the image is too dark.

CSX 8519 Railroad Locomotive Crossing Hollow Road in New Jersey. Image taken with a Leica X1 (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/4.5, 1/160 sec). JPG image processed with Photoshop CS5 and NIK Silver Efex 2. (David J Mathre)
CSX 8519 Railroad Locomotive Crossing Hollow Road in New Jersey. Image taken with a Leica X1 (ISO 100, 24 mm, f/4.5, 1/160 sec). JPG image processed with Photoshop CS5 and NIK Silver Efex 2.

Monday (13-June-2011) — New Jersey

Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.

Macro images of a small pink wildflower I found today. Thanks to Ann DeCamp for pointing me to the identification of the flower as Deptford Pink, Mountain Pink – Dianthus armeria

Macro Image of Small Pink Wildflower. Spring Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 Macro lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/25 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Macro Image of Small Pink Wildflower. Spring Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 Macro lens (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/25 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.
Macro Image of Small Pink Wildflower. Spring Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 200 mm f/4 Macro lens (ISO 200, 200 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Macro Image of Small Pink Wildflower. Spring Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 200 mm f/4 Macro lens (ISO 200, 200 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.

Sunday (12-June-2011) — New Jersey

Indoor Nature in New Jersey.

Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) — Not a Silverfish. I really don’t like seeing this guy crawling above my bed. I know that they are going after other insects — BUT look at those claws. I added a zoom from the image showing the multiple lenses in the eye and spikes on the legs.

Creepy Crawly. Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) -- Not a Silverfish. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Creepy Crawly. Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) — Not a Silverfish. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.
Creepy Crawly. Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) -- Not a Silverfish. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Creepy Crawly. Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) — Not a Silverfish. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 105 mm f/2.8 VR Macro (ISO 100, 105 mm, f/16, 1/60 sec) with SB-900 Flash. Raw image processed with Capture One Pro 6, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.

Friday (10-June-2011) — New Jersey

Backyard Springtime Nature in New Jersey.

Today, I am posting some images of white-tailed deer in my backyard. The images were processed with Capture One Pro to get the single color and black & white effect.

Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/200 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro. (David J Mathre)
Deer in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3x and 500 mm f/4 lens (ISO 400, 500 mm, f/4, 1/250 sec). Image processed with Capture One 6 Pro.

Thursday (09-June-2011) — New Jersey

Backyard Nature in New Jersey.

I’ve never been able to get a picture of an American Gold Finch in my backyard. I’ve seen them, but they never stay in one place long enough to focus. Now that I have the adapter to have the new telephoto lens on a Gitzo Tripod with a Wimbly mount, I was able to get this image of four American Gold Finches. They were in the top of a tree approximately 150 feet from my deck.

Four American Gold Finches Waiting For Sunset. Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 600 mm f/4 lens (ISO 200, 600 mm, f/4.5 1/1000 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5. (David J Mathre)
Four American Gold Finches Waiting For Sunset. Outdoor Nature in New Jersey. Image taken with a Nikon D3s and 600 mm f/4 lens (ISO 200, 600 mm, f/4.5 1/1000 sec). Raw image processed with Capture One Pro, Focus Magic, and Photoshop CS5.