Backyard Night Sky in New Jersey.
While reviewing images from last night, I found one where I captured a firefly flashing. So far it is early in the firefly season and I hope to get more images before the season ends.
David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of nature and the natural world. Plants, animals, and wildlife from around the world.
While reviewing images from last night, I found one where I captured a firefly flashing. So far it is early in the firefly season and I hope to get more images before the season ends.
Macro images of a small pink wildflower I found today. Thanks to Ann DeCamp for pointing me to the identification of the flower as Deptford Pink, Mountain Pink – Dianthus armeria
Scutigera Coleoptrata (House Centipede) — Not a Silverfish. I really don’t like seeing this guy crawling above my bed. I know that they are going after other insects — BUT look at those claws. I added a zoom from the image showing the multiple lenses in the eye and spikes on the legs.
It was cloudy and rained much of the day. I did get a chance to photograph a rabbit in my backyard as it was mowing my grass and clover. Also an image of some wet fast growing tree leaves.
Today, I am posting some images of white-tailed deer in my backyard. The images were processed with Capture One Pro to get the single color and black & white effect.