Indoor Winter Nature in New Jersey — Stink Bug.
I was about to go to bed and saw this Stink Bug crawling up a wall. It was patient enough to allow me to take its picture. I then told it that spring was coming, and it really needed to go outside…

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Views of art from around the world
I was about to go to bed and saw this Stink Bug crawling up a wall. It was patient enough to allow me to take its picture. I then told it that spring was coming, and it really needed to go outside…
An Early sign, spring is coming!! The crocus and daffodil flowers across the street had their first blooms today. A few days ago I saw my neighbor raking the leaves off the section facing the south side of his stone wall. There were a few daffodil plants pushing out of the ground. Today, the first ones started to bloom, along with the purple crocus flowers. The honey bees noticed that there was some saffron to harvest. My daffodil’s are just coming out of the ground — however I noticed that the deer are nibbling on the early sprouts. I thought deer didn’t like daffodil’s — but I guess they are hungry…
Later in the afternoon, the NOAA weather alert on my Garmin radio/GPS went off and announced that a severe thunderstorm was imminent. I set up a camera to record the storm coming through and got one image of some lightning. Soon after the storm, the temperature dropped over 20 degrees.
The first full day of an Elderhostel/Road Scholar photography workshop at Kelly Place — a Bed & Breakfast near Cortez, Colorado. I was attending the workshop with my Father and Brother. I went out on my own in the morning to take some pictures of Sleeping Ute mountain. After lunch walked around the site to look at some of the historical buildings and then went for a short hike into Canyon of the Ancients National Monument which is right next to Kelly’s Place. After it got dark, I set up a camera to take some star trail images.
Larger size images from the slide show can be viewed and purchased here.
Larger size images from the slideshow can be viewed and purchased here.
I wasn’t sure that I would be able to make the trip from Boulder to southwestern Colorado because of a winter storm that passed through during the previous days. The roads were clear, and there were not many vehicles on the road. I made it to Mesa Verde National Park in time to meet my father and brother before attending an Elderhostel/Road Scholar photography workshop. It was still snowing when I arrived at the National Park.
Backyard Winter Nature in New Jersey: Turkey Vultures.
Images taken while on a walkabout in my backyard with a Nikon D2xs camera and 80-400 mm VR lens. The picture of the Turkey Vulture passing the moon was a lucky “grab shot”. I’ve tried to repeat the shot many times, but have never been successful.