Thursday (14-April-2022) — New Jersey

Springtime Nature in New Jersey.

Birds of the day viewed in the backyard: Mourning Dove, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, House Finch, Brown-headed Cowbird.

Birds of the day. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Indoor hydroponic flowers of the day. Orange, yellow and white Iceland Poppy (Papaver nudicaule). Red, Pink, White with Pink Trim Corn Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas). Red Turkish Tulip Poppy (Papaver glaucum).

Corn Poppy. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Iceland Poppy. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Turkish Tulip Poppy. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Lady Beetles and Stink Bugs have awakened after their indoor hibernation and now that it is warmer want to get outside.

Indoor Lady Beetle and Stink Bug. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.

Daily Electric Energy Used (65.0 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (59.2 kWh) from Sense. Sunny with some clouds in the afternoon. Deficit of 5.8 kWh.

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