Gone to See Patagonia 2015 Photography Tour with Thom Hogan. Day 10: Estancia Cristina, Argentina
Walkabout at Estancia Cristina: Chilean Flicker. My eBird Checklist

David's Images of the Day Photoblog
Walkabout at Estancia Cristina: Chilean Flicker. My eBird Checklist
Afternoon Walkabout: American Robin. My eBird Checklist
Morning walkabout: Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Cardinal. My eBird Checklist.
Morning backyard walkabout with a Nikon D2xs camera, and 80-400 mm VR lens. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Visitors to the backyard and birdfeeder: Mourning Dove, Turkey Vulture, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal.
Daily backyard visitors. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (53.0 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (58.2 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Sunny. Geothermal HVAC system on, but was able to open the house for a few hours in the afternoon when the outside temperature was higher outdoors than indoors. A surplus of 4.8 kWh. Two days in a row that the solar panels produced a surplus.
First Spring Wildflowers: Snow Drops, Purple Crocus. The snow finally melted, and some wildflowers appeared overnight along my neighbors south facing rock wall. A bit later than previous years. The Daffodils should be here soon.
Purple Crocuses. Individual images in the slideshow are available in my PhotoShelter Gallery.
Daily Electric Energy Used (53.0 kWh) from Sense. Daily Solar Electric Energy Produced (58.2 kWh) from Sense and SolSystems. Sunny. Geothermal HVAC system on, but was able to open the house for a few hours in the afternoon when the outside temperature was higher outdoors than indoors. A surplus of 4.8 kWh. Two days in a row that the solar panels produced a surplus.